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Messages - Citizen Kane

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Monkey Flinger
« on: January 04, 2009, 05:21:34 am »
to be honest, most of them you will get anyway, by completing the game 100%.
I mean, I always beat all mini bosses, etc.

There are only two i probably won't get, beating the race in under a minute, and finding all recipies.

I only had to go out of my way for three of them:
-riding ekkrit for a minute (only took a minute of my time lol)
-flinging a monkey (took 1 second after i figured it out)
-and eating a parrot (i did this by accident)

I suppose high dive, belly of the whale, and the derek/alec fish are a little out of the way if you don't know about them already.

In my opinion this is what achievements should be though. None are TOO hard. We're not getting any of the "beat the final boss without taking damage" achievements. Or how about "pull up every plant". Those would be just obnoxious. Achievements that are too hard leave people frustrated. Reasonable achievements however give the players something else to work towards. Little side-goals, if you will, beyond the most pressing goal of actually beating the game. They can also be a great way of marking progress. I would love to beat aquaria 100% , but i know that I won't have done so until I get all the achievements. They can even add replayability to a game.

Also, not that you should buy the game again on steam if you already own it, but Steam is a great tool for gamers. The integration of the community, combined with the portability of your games is unparalleled. If you arn't even on steam at all, its at least worth checking out - if only to buy a quake for $0.99.

Gameplay / Re: Monkey Flinger
« on: January 04, 2009, 02:18:06 am »
i might as well link to a list of the achievements, for those who haven't seem 'em yet.


Gameplay / Monkey Flinger
« on: January 03, 2009, 04:10:12 pm »
[EDIT] god damn. should have tried nature form. don't mind this thread. lock please. worst first post ever.  >< [/EDIT]

I have already beaten the game, and decided to replay it now that its on steam.

one quick question...how do I go about 'flinging' a monkey? I swear i have spent like an hour now messing with those f*ckers. Granted i haven't slept in 2 days, i may be missing something. either way, Google has failed to help, so i figured someone here might know? I hope asking for help isn't considered cheating in terms of achievements...

PS: this game is wicked radical

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