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Messages - ewierl

Pages: [1]
Aquarian is a very simple cipher, not hard to figure out if you take the time to write it down whenever it shows up, with a note about the context.  Very skilled amateurs can figure out ciphers that have no word breaks and no clues, this one is straight letter-for-letter, one set only.  The availability of known words "Mithalas" and "Home" give a big leg up.

This is actually an easy one; it's potentially a clue like "Home".  The only trick is that dots (which you've drawn as O) are spaces.

And what would it say at the end of a game, two three-letter words?  THE END

Gameplay / Re: Plot details (spoilery)
« on: January 04, 2009, 08:38:55 am »
Huh, okay, I guess I just needed to be more patient.  Poison and thornbushes seemed to damage it, but eventually I got tired of damaging it.

Of course, but "I needed to be more patient," I mean, "I'm glad I didn't bother."  ;)

Gameplay / Re: Plot details (spoilery)
« on: January 03, 2009, 07:32:05 pm »
Alright, sounds like there is no clear/official answer that I missed, then!  I like the archaeology idea- that he doesn't have all the bird-themed stuff necessarily because he's from there, but because he was investigating it.  But, indeed, it's all guesswork.

Of course, only now do I remember my third question, a completeness question not related to plot.

In the "secret cave passage" section of Open Water (above the statue leading towards Mithalas that ends the demo, west and down from the Kelp Forest turtle), there is a black hemispherical creature that walks in circles on a rock formation.  I never found anything I could do with or to it, in any form.  Is it just decorative, or does it have a tiny little secret purpose?

Gameplay / Plot details (spoilery)
« on: January 02, 2009, 04:16:52 am »
So, I've played the whole game through, with the secret ending and all the treasures and a deciphered alphabet.

I absolutely loved it, of course.  Oh, how the "to be continued" filled me with joy! 

But I had a few lingering plot questions, and I wondered if anyone could clear them up for me.

1) Where did Li come from?  Judging by the bird symbols and the narration in the sunken city, he's clearly from the same city as the boy.  But how does the timing work out?  According to the ending, the boy has been down here for centuries.  Has Li been alive for centuries somehow?  Are there generations of flying-city-people hanging around?  Is there a clear answer?

2) Does the "hope of winter" song mean anything?  Maybe I went to it in the wrong order or something (I somehow missed it on my first mission through the Kelp Forest), but the narration described it as a "at the time I had no idea what it meant" thing, and at the game's end I still don't know what it means.

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