Gameplay / Re: Message in Aquarian or some kind of secret code (Is it a spoiler? Or is it j
« on: January 04, 2009, 08:47:36 am »
Aquarian is a very simple cipher, not hard to figure out if you take the time to write it down whenever it shows up, with a note about the context. Very skilled amateurs can figure out ciphers that have no word breaks and no clues, this one is straight letter-for-letter, one set only. The availability of known words "Mithalas" and "Home" give a big leg up.
This is actually an easy one; it's potentially a clue like "Home". The only trick is that dots (which you've drawn as O) are spaces.
And what would it say at the end of a game, two three-letter words? THE END
This is actually an easy one; it's potentially a clue like "Home". The only trick is that dots (which you've drawn as O) are spaces.
And what would it say at the end of a game, two three-letter words? THE END