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Messages - Mentalepsy

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: How to Download the Latest Version: 1.1.1
« on: December 26, 2008, 09:59:53 pm »
I'm a little confused on what to do.  I'd like to purchase the game, but from what I can gather:

1) There is a patch coming soon with some fixes for ATI cards (I have one, so I'll probably want that patch).
2) Getting a new version requires downloading the entire game.
3) There's some sort of issue with Plimus authorizing additional downloads.

Have I got that right?  If so, it sounds like buying it now would get me a download for 1.1.1, and so I should hold off on purchasing Aquaria until 1.1.2 is released and available on Plimus, so that I can just download it once and be done with it.  Would that be the best thing to do?

Unrelated question: after I buy the game, can I burn it to a CD or DVD and reinstall it at a later date?

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