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Messages - dontgetbloodon

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: I Am Stuck.
« on: December 26, 2008, 01:39:32 am »
ok, my apologies, i seriously spent a good 3 hours of my christmas day backtacking only to "head east" as you said, and then i found a white ball at the bottom of the easternmost caver... i probably went in there and didn't go far enough down to see it. thanks for the help.

Gameplay / Re: I Am Stuck.
« on: December 26, 2008, 01:32:08 am »
so, by east, you mean out of the temple? i actually, failed to mention, i also got my pet. a little cute snail thing that rams enemies. should i go past my house?

Gameplay / I Am Stuck.
« on: December 26, 2008, 01:18:02 am »
I have just got the Fire form. I have explored the entire game map (well, the parts that are open to me), i found a turtle. i cannot see anyway of possibly progressing. very very stuck. I'd love to keep playing! But i cant if i cant open up the rest of the game. any help?

let's see, i've defeated both of the bosses in the fire temple place.

i've even found the neat extra costume that you get when you leave the dungeon and go back in from another entrance. There is only one room i cannot open on my map and it is the only room that i haven't explored (it is grey, not white). It's kindof in the middle of the fire dungeon, a little north west i think. And it has a door that has blocked my getting into it. To the right of it is one of those statues that i can put a white pearl looking thing into, but there are no pearls left!!

once again, any help?


Pages: [1]