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Messages - Alpha_Climatise

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: NVidia Video Card Crash?
« on: December 22, 2008, 08:49:34 pm »
I started with the least invasive suggestion on a large list of suggested fixes and bizarrely it actually worked. I say bizarrely because the fix was just uninstalling Microsoft Dream Scenes (I don’t even use it, it was just installed via updates). Once I removed this I had GL Excess run overnight, almost 8 hours straight without error.

Since there are bound to be people with this error that aren’t running Dream Scenes it’s not the ultimate solution, but worth trying for a reasonably simple first step. There are a great many other suggested fixes listed on link I provided, but reading through all those posts is time consuming.

These are the steps for removing Dream Scenes if it is present on your system.
  • Click ‘Start’
  • Open ‘Control Panel’
  • Open ‘Programs and Features’
  • Click ‘View Installed Updates’ in the left pane
  • Click the ‘Name’ column heading to sort the list
  • Find any instances of Dream Scenes Installations (may be listed as preview for non-ultimate owners)
  • Right-Click any instances found and select ‘Uninstall’
  • Reboot your machine once all instances have been removed

Support / Re: NVidia Video Card Crash?
« on: December 22, 2008, 08:27:01 am »
I have a rather large array of games my fiancé gave me one day, a compilation of about 50 or so casual games, I've never had any of those crash in this manner, but then I've never delved too deeply into which of them run GL if they are accelerated.

If Anubis can replicate the error in other GL based games then that is rather pointing to the API failing on mobile hardware.

I don't have either of the penny arcade adventures. Any other GL based games or demo's you'd recommend testing with?

UPDATE: I ended up downloading GL Excess as it provided a means to loop GL playback and wait for an error. Good news and bad news on that front. Good news is that I can exactly replicate the fault we have been getting, so it's nothing to do with your game code. Bad news is that it is a nightmare bug, roughly linked to Vista/nVidia combos. There is a 113 page deep thread over at nVidia bout it (http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=25381), so that doesn't bode too well for getting it fixed anytime soon. From my readings I have picked out a few tweaks I'll try on my system but as of yet there doesn't seem to be any one sure fire way to get rid of the problem, nVidias stance is "we're working on it"

Support / Re: NVidia Video Card Crash?
« on: December 21, 2008, 11:02:17 am »
I can confirm the crash. The few times to date this has occurred it has always been while using the map, holding the right mouse button and scrolling around.

System Specs; (Dell XPS M1730)
Windows Vista™ Ultimate 32Bit SP1 (Build 6001)
Intel Extreme X9000 (2.8GHz)
2x nVidia GeForce 8800M GTX (SLI mode) (Driver version 179.28 BETA for Noteboks)

It definitely crashes, at first you get a pause then the screen goes black, any input from there turns the screen white and windows asks if you would like to end the non-responsive program. I haven't had a lot of time to test driver settings for solutions, the only thing I have set that isn't default for the driver set is that I force vsync independent of applications settings, as I have found many of my applications cannot apply this setting correctly in Vista.

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