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Messages - evolution

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Lost my aquaria save file...
« on: March 20, 2009, 12:28:50 am »
i have the latest steam version as well.

thanks align, i'll give that a try

Support / Lost my aquaria save file...
« on: March 18, 2009, 03:27:46 am »
I had a hard drive failure and I lost my aquaria save file. A good lesson to back up my files, i suppose.

Is it possible to get a save file sent so i can continue where I was? I understand it won't be identical but I was at *spoiler below*

The boss with the mallet hands, but hadn't beaten him yet. I had all the relevant powers that you could get before him.

Gameplay / Re: Help! I'm Stuck!
« on: January 19, 2009, 07:51:17 pm »
Stuck in Sunken City... Led the kid to a tree with the sun form, and now he won't move. I got energy, beast, nature, spirit, fish and sun form. Every loose ends leads to this blocked passage with the song which makes the 7 symbol. I know the pattern how to play it since I heard the lady sing it. It's doesn't open the door, it doens't make the girl or the boy or the woman or the 3 weird boys waving their arms with a evil laughter in the back move.

A little help would be appreciated. Thank.  :)

don't feel too bad, i came in here to ask the EXACT same question. i figured out the song, but the song didnt do anything. i used the nature form to get her to stand up, but didnt figure out that you could make a path of flowers to the boy, until reading here.

Support / Re: Gamepad support in latest steam version?
« on: December 21, 2008, 09:48:24 am »
thanks for the replies, i got it.

Have you guys considered doing an XBLA or PSN version? I think you'd find support for this gem on consoles.

Support / Gamepad support in latest steam version?
« on: December 20, 2008, 01:54:06 am »
hi there

I'm wondering how to enable gamepad (like a x360 pad) controls in Aquaria. In the last version I had, remember a box coming up with an option to enable gamepad. With the newest version no such box comes up, and i can't find it in the options.


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