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Messages - Vertelemming

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Anyone beaten the fighting section in Secret Cave Tunnel?
« on: December 19, 2008, 12:23:23 am »
The Nightmare scared me witless when it first happened - I was wondering if I had broken the game somehow and entered a final level.  :) The Gauntlet at the end is about 30 of those sections tied together.  :o  ;) Your arm will go flying out the window.  ;D

I actually found the Gauntlet pretty easy. Jellyfish costume and dual form beat it without much trouble. The real reason my arm is about to file a restraining order is that I may have, entirely against my will you understand, been playing games for 12+ hours a day for the past week.

This would be a great place for a steam achievement!

Maybe we'll add some new ones later.

Eep. If it becomes an Achievement, I'll be obligated to work at it until I successfully complete the section. By which time humanity will have died out and a new race of fish people will have evolved.

Gameplay / Anyone beaten the fighting section in Secret Cave Tunnel?
« on: December 18, 2008, 03:53:03 pm »
So I finally finished the game (and my arm is about to fall off from cramping), but there's one thing I keep on trying to do that I can't seem to manage. See subject line. So I'm wondering, is there anyone who's managed to get through that area without dying, and is there anything interesting at the end?

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