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Messages - scyld

Pages: [1]
Modding / Re: Aquaria - Sacrifice
« on: December 18, 2008, 12:10:23 am »
Why is the rest in latin, it looks like  the stuff that is in Apple Pages when you open the fancy brochure.

Lol... "Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet..."

It's a common half Latin, half nonsense paragraph of gobbltey-gook used to test layouts and type faces.  The canonical "Lorem ipsum" paragraph was derived in the 16th century by taking snippets of words from a text of Cicero's.  It's used often because it is meaningless and its distribution of letters is similar to that of English's.  Sometimes additional words are added to make it even cloer to an English distribution of words, and sometimes that Latin-y nonsense paragraph is generated randomly.

Modding / Re: MODS LIST
« on: December 18, 2008, 12:03:18 am »
These are all the modules made with Aquaria's editor?

That's disappointing... I was hoping to find some actual home-brew levels and worlds...

Pages: [1]