*Receives Package*
Ooooo! This is so great!
Very satisfactory package. I question the use of ziplocks, though the infinite ammo sticker with my name on it.

The music is presented very well and I have very little complaints. The only element that got an "Aww man..." from me was the Intro having Naija's narration. Call me a blasphemous coward who doesn't understand the simple notion of a quality track, but I always break down crying when I'm listening to in-game audio rather than, you know, the music! Thankfully I won't lose sleep over this. I LOVE Jenna Sharpe's voice work on the Intro track for it perfectly sets the mood and theme of the game. I will gladly accept this vocal inclusion over the Spock voice over track on the "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Complete Collection" ending track
(Darn you FSM!)Overall, fantastic soundtrack. Thanks for the hard work!
Now, let's see what this signature thing is all about....
*Finds the Signature*
Huh? What the.... ALEC! I thought you were going to sign the CD booklet or the front of the poster, not on the back of the poster. How am I supposed to frame it now? Your signature is going to be on the back and no one will be able see it!