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Messages - Bloup

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Great Game Horrible Controls?
« on: February 07, 2009, 02:19:04 pm »
Sorry to get back on topic, but I had no idea Aquaria could be played with the mouse and keyboard :o (So far I only used R to Roll and get rid of the "leeches"...) This opens up a whole new world of gameplay for me. Maybe I'll even stop dying every couple minutes and finally progress in the game !? :D

General / Re: The Widescreen Thread
« on: February 04, 2009, 05:50:21 pm »
Would you care for a gold medal ? ;)
>Aquaria gets WSGF certification<

Support / Re: New resolutions and aspect ratios
« on: January 31, 2009, 03:33:58 pm »
There's an easy workaround actually  :D

-set to game to windowed mode (i.e uncheck 'Fullscreen')
-set the game to your usual über-wide resolution
-check Fullscreen again.

Voilà ! More-than-widescreen Aquaria for the masses ! ;D

Next time you start the game, you may get the "Aspect ratio for resolution [x,y] not supported" error message. Simply use the config tool to set the game back to a "normal" resolution and repeat the trick. You can also stick to windowed mode, but that kind of ruins the game's atmosphere (imho).
Alternatively you can also edit your usersettings.xml\<Video>\<Screenmode> settings so that the game always starts windowed/überwide.

Support / Re: Error regarding key config
« on: January 30, 2009, 09:12:26 pm »
Hey thanks a lot, that fixed the same problem for me (in Vista64). No need to wait for a hypothetical v1.1.2 or a reply to my PM to Alec :D
Mouse look finally works, weehee !
This thread should get sticky'ed !

Support / Re: Help Needed: Test 1.1.2
« on: January 05, 2009, 11:50:11 pm »
So... Aquaria's team members have parted ways and are working on other projects. Does that mean the testing and release of v1.1.2 may be compromised ?

Support / Re: Help Needed: Test 1.1.2
« on: December 18, 2008, 12:23:30 pm »
Aquaria 1.1.1 only supports up to 1400x900 resolutions. You'll be able to play the game in full screen, but the graphics will be pixelated and/or blurry.

I'm playing on a 30" panel. Do these look blurry or pixelated to you ?  ;)

The game is probably limited to 1440x900 on your config because that's the highest resolution it can display. Otherwise, you probably messed up something  ;D

Back on topic : e-mail sent, I'd be glad to help.

Well I'm totally cool with testing the fix, too y'know ! :D
Vista64 here, that means 2 Program Files directories already, and I don't want some games installed in yet another location, so I'm looking forward to the fix.
BTW Chibi, "E" doesn't work any better than Left Shift or the middle mouse button.

Support / Re: New resolutions and aspect ratios
« on: December 17, 2008, 03:31:05 pm »
Hey, thanks a lot for pointing me to the right direction ^-^ Allow me to follow my trail (...wake?) a bit further though...

(1680 x 300)
So it is possible ! :)
That's exactly what I want : to freely toy with resolutions and aspect ratios ! Alas it's not directly possible to do this in v1.1.1 :
Critical Error
Aspect ratio for resolution [1680x300] not supported.
Outrageous ! Alec is keeping all the fun to himself !! >:( (j/k)

I totally understand the aspect ratio had to be limited for the whole game to look good and play right.
I just love to have fun with good games in every way : by enjoying the story and gameplay, as well as playing with graphical settings and whatnot. I think modders or "screenshooters" might find that interesting, too.
That's why I'd like to know if/how I can "circumvent" the game's aspect ratio limitations. The solution may be obvious, but I'm just not that familiar with xml...
Any input appreciated !  ;)

Support / Re: Middle mouse button support?
« on: December 17, 2008, 02:51:42 pm »
And... how do I "easily fix it myself" please ?  :-[
Use "E" for the middle mouse button: I found it more convenient and reliable.
Like I said, Left Shift doesn't work in v1.1.1. and guess what, when I click Key Config, the game crashes :
Critical Error
Could not find actionInput: Look
Is that Vista's fault again ?  :-\ What can I do ?

Edit : oops, just noticed this thread. Sorry, I guess it'll answer all my questions.

Support / New resolutions and aspect ratios
« on: December 16, 2008, 01:49:51 pm »
I had never heard of this game before today :-[ but as soon as I tried the demo and learned about the widescreen update (+lowered price...), I had to buy it ! Congrats for the great job and happy anniversary !
A couple questions though :

1) Can we have some details on how the game handles widescreen aspect ratios ? How come it needed specific implementation for a 2D game like Aquaria ??

2) Is it definitely impossible to have the game work in wider-than-16:9 resolutions, like for instance on a triple-screen setup ? (Matrox TripleHead2Go addict here...) ^-^ That "aspect ratio not supported" dialog box is just so frustrating... Any way to manually edit the game's resolution to anything I like ?

Support / Re: Middle mouse button support?
« on: December 16, 2008, 01:34:12 pm »
There is indeed something fishy about middle mouse button support. I understand it's not a necessary feature to play the game, but I simply like it and it feels broken at the moment ! :(

-it works in the demo
-it doesn't in v1.1.1  ???

Also, Left Shift doesn't work in both the demo and the updated full game.
Please check this ! I really want to look around freely !

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