Hey, thanks a lot for pointing me to the right direction

Allow me to follow my trail (...wake?) a bit further though...

(1680 x 300)
So it
is possible !

That's exactly what I want : to freely toy with resolutions and aspect ratios ! Alas it's not directly possible to do this in v1.1.1 :
Critical Error
Aspect ratio for resolution [1680x300] not supported.
Outrageous ! Alec is keeping all the fun to himself !!

I totally understand the aspect ratio had to be limited for the whole game to look good and play right.
I just love to have fun with good games in every way : by enjoying the story and gameplay, as well as playing with graphical settings and whatnot. I think modders or "screenshooters" might find that interesting, too.
That's why I'd like to know if/how I can "circumvent" the game's aspect ratio limitations. The solution may be obvious, but I'm just not that familiar with xml...
Any input appreciated !