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Messages - ladnalalka

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« on: December 30, 2008, 04:42:09 am »
Thank you for the support... I'm going to wait a little bit before I attempt that blasted cephalopod again!!! I know octopi are smart, but that tentacle is damn sticky!

RE: "Hydrophobic means fear of water to such a degree that only having rabies can cause it "

You mean hydrophobia, not hydrophobic which has to do with aqueous and non-polar medium. Basically some mediums hate water so much that they stick together to minimize the surface area affected/ in contact with the water.

In the sense that the last person was trying to use hydrophobic, I think it was meant more like aquaphobia - fear of deep diving (or perhaps Aquariaphobia? haha). Is that clear and helpful? :D

Gameplay / Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« on: December 29, 2008, 08:34:49 am »
...I swear that Octopus Prime is by far the most difficult boss in the game. I know *how* to beat him, but I hardly ever get a chance because I'm constantly being hit due to the incredibly cramped arena and I run out of healing food incredibly quickly. Having to constantly retreat, switch to sun form, charge, and then go back to get rid of the darkness is pretty annoying too....

I totally agree with you!! I'm pretty new and trying not to use the forum too much for spoilers (I like surprises ::) ::) ::) But WTF is with the octopus mini boss?!?#$@% Just how many times do you have to hit that pearl? I'm kinda hoping I don't kill it because I'll be hugely depleted in the grocery section! So Frustrating! HELP!

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