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Messages - Waterlily

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: German player/beginner: Completely lost... Not a clue...
« on: December 10, 2008, 01:52:55 am »
Thank you again.
Now have a good laugh:
I have been in the engergy temple a dozen times and each time I had to wait until I was "dead", because I didn´t manage to do ANYTHING in that f...  underwater dungeon! I waited: Nothing happened but flying symbols. I sang like a bird: The shield-song, the binding and the entrance-song to the spiral, the sound of each flying symbol...
I mean: This cute little creature has gathered a lot of cooking stuff, but the food only helps if you are wounded. There are some nondescript bulbs, but I have no idea what they are needed for and don´t want to waste them.

I seriously doubt my intellectual skills...
On the verge of giving up...

Support / Re: German player/beginner: Completely lost... Not a clue...
« on: December 09, 2008, 11:47:18 pm »
and thank you very much for your support! I use the map and I have learned to remove rocks, but I still haven´t got a GENERAL idea of how to interact or deal with things like darkness and strong undercurrents. In the energy temple - for example - I simply have not a clue how to move on or how to avoid being shot. Maybe I´m too used to my little Eschalon-Hero, who deals with simple human stuff like swords and apples und never, never acts underwater ;o)))
Anyway: Your advice has been helpful!
Bye; I do my best to go on! Waterlily

Support / German player/beginner: Completely lost... Not a clue...
« on: December 08, 2008, 06:22:39 am »

I tried to get along by reading other beginners´ questions (and the answers), but it didn´t help. The only things my Nija can do is: Avoiding contact with hostile animals, healing herself in the blue weed (or by sleeping in her bed) and picking up items/recepies.
I have no idea how to fight or defend myself, how to manage to break out or how to create(?) a pet.
I have played other games with English descriptions (for example Eschalon Book 1), but I have never had such problems.
Isn´t it possible to give some general instructions how to play the game? Some general clue? On the help pages - those you can look up while playing - I haven´t found any instructions about how to gain fighting skills etc.
The game seems to be quite funny and interesting, but after swimming around for six hours without any progress is rather frustrating. PLEASE HELP!
Thank you! Waterlily (ulrike.bliefert@berlin.de).

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