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Messages - Snowstorm

Pages: [1]
Ok, je ne crois pas que j'aurai le temps nécessaire pour participer à la traduction des textes.

Si vous voulez quelqu'un d'autre pour la vérification, je pourrais sans doute donner un coup de main.

Où peut-on trouver les fichiers qui contiennent les sous-titres et les stringbanks?

~ Snowy

General / Re: Advertisment in Mac Life Magazine
« on: December 22, 2008, 09:15:21 am »
Yeah, Ambrosia paid for it and Derek drew it. :)

If anyone has any magazine scans or pics of it, I'd like to see how it turned out!  8)

Merry Christmas :D

Click on the image to enlarge it.

So that would be how I found out about this game's existence. I can also send the image via email if anyone wants it.

~ Snowy

General / Re: Aquaria Language
« on: December 22, 2008, 08:31:48 am »
This one can be added too, I had a look at it in game today and affliction did a great job :)

Damn this thread, I saw a big block of runes, so I wanted to know what they said, and it was a pain in the ass. 

From the entrance to the boss of the sun temple:

"Marui the architect
Within lie my final thoughts"

Inside the sun temple boss chamber:
"Kill me and kill our creator
The transformation is almost done
The pain is becoming unbearable
We believed in reason
For many years we worshiped Sun
The erulian histories are true
I have angered the creator"

Modding / Re: Version Française d'Aquaria - French Version of Aquaria
« on: December 22, 2008, 08:13:23 am »
I'll repply in English, to let anyone on the forum be able to read this thread (and contribute?) if they want.

This project sounds interesting. I am not sure if I would have enough time to dedicate to it however.
How many people are interested in doing this so far?
Do we have a list of what needs to be translated? (is it only the subtitles, or are there plans to translate the main menu or the runes in game as well?)

~ Snowy

Gameplay / Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« on: December 20, 2008, 07:15:40 am »
Awesome, I completed the main story, but I have no doubt there are still some secrets I can find in Aquaria. Starting by decrypting the texts and those 5 treasures that I am missing...

I must admit the first time I saw the ending (with the 3 memories), it was a lot of informations to take in at once and, thankfuly, I found this thread (and defeated the boss again to listen to the ending again after reading it!) to make most of the pieces of the puzzle connect with the others. It's a bit annoying when you are shown too much elements that you don't understand, we're all curious heh?  ;)

So there has been a lot of theories and ideas tossed around in this thread about how we should interpret the ending. Alec has kindly helped by giving a few hints to set us on the right direction and I guess it must have been fun for him and Derek to read what we understood of the story and the speculations for what might be following next! At this point I believe that the sunken city was the flying one, that the whole story we played was lived by Naija and that it is her son discovering her past from one of the blue crystal after she disappeared (see ending and introduction when you start a new game). Well, he discovers her past until the memories are "locked" by Mia.

It seems to me the girl we see at the end is the princess of Mithalas. Her skin is very similar to the prince and her ears match with that race. She has black hairs and seems to be wearing a diadem just like her portrait in her room. She also has a necklace very similar to the one Naija's son wears! But that might just be a coincidence.

Great game overall. I really enjoyed drifting in Eric/the creator's canvas!

Games / Re: dvd4online.com 50% off Free Shipping
« on: December 12, 2008, 03:28:14 am »
It's called a spam bot, among the greatest PITA of forum admins :)

Off-Topic / Re: The Astronomy Thread
« on: December 11, 2008, 06:53:12 am »
Indeed, it's harder to take good pictures on Earth because of the atmosphere that cause dispersion of light which is why some folks had the great idea to place a telescope in space (that would be Hubble!).

For those who want to see more pictures and explore by themselves. I suggest the first result of this page.

Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: December 11, 2008, 06:33:21 am »
Chibi's evil twin
Since my dark secret is exposed so soon, I will now act openly evil!  >:D

Joking aside, I finally purchased the game to enjoy it during the vacations that will begin soon enough.

I've also taken the opportunity to give you more visibility in the CoA community. My friends will likely hear about it too!

Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: December 05, 2008, 08:32:54 pm »
Hi everyone.

I am Maxime and I have discovered this gem that is Aquaria in Macworld's latest issue. I tried the demo so far and it was a refreshing experience. I'll buy the full version soon enough.

What else? I am from Canada, currently working on a Master in science. I am also a dm/admin/builder/scripter (pick any!) on the NeverWinter Night persistant world City of Arabel.

Congratulation to Alec, Derek, Jenna and all those who supported the development of this project!

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