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Messages - Rezmason

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Gorging [Strategy question, hopefully no spoilers]
« on: June 19, 2009, 05:59:59 am »
I'm playing through Aquaria for a second time. I've backed up my saves from my first time around, but I'm trying again from the beginning because I feel that I made some bad decisions that are limiting my strength for some big fights (that is to say, the big fights, which I can't win). In a nutshell, I think I've been eating too much.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but once you sing to a colored bulb and it pops, that's the end of the line for that bulb, right? Since you can eat anything that comes out of a bulb, doesn't that mean it's possible to completely ruin the game by eating too much, too soon? I feel like I've painted myself into a corner. I'm scrounging for food and I'm finding bones.

It would be nifty if the bulbs regenerated, but as far as I can tell that isn't happening. Any suggestions?

Gameplay / Re: Sun Temple trouble, post-boss (some spoilers)
« on: December 04, 2008, 07:34:28 am »
Oh, for Pete's sake.

I got it. I was in the wrong flue. Thanks for reading.

Gameplay / Sun Temple trouble, post-boss (some spoilers)
« on: December 04, 2008, 07:22:37 am »
Hey Bit-Blot. Nice game you got there. 8) Definitely got my money's worth.

Let's get right down to business. I've got a lot of forms, and I just yanked one out of the Sun Temple boss. Hip, hip; hooray. Now I'm trying to reach the top of the Sun Temple.

Now there's this room, adjacent to the boss room and a red crystal. It has an extremely wide, tall area that leads to the rest of the level. And this flue doesn't look like I'm meant to climb it. For one thing, wall jumping seems out of the question; and I don't see any more gears to roll that'd bring up the water level, though that sure would be nice.

Should I wait for an elevator? What am I supposed to be doing here? I've been looking through this forum for a while for an answer, and someone started talking about jumping over gears or something. I'm pretty certain that this is the gearless variety of flue. Any help would be appreciated.

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