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Messages - Biwachan

Pages: [1]
Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: November 28, 2008, 08:06:37 pm »
Hmm... I guess I haven't actually perused this part just yet.. I'm Alvin, nice to meet you all!  I'm off of the West Coast up in "cold, cold" Canada, hehe.. my fun little fact... on top of the $17,000 i've already spent on my degree, I've still got at least another $10,000ish to go... ugh.

Support / Re: MacOS version =)
« on: November 28, 2008, 08:00:28 pm »
sweeet, it worked! thanks! 

now.. i've got an old gen macbook.. which should O opt out of first, to lessen the lag.. Frame buffer effects?  can't say i'm a hardware techie, so not too sure about those kinda stuff.. looking up "vsync" online tells me that I probably want to keep That one on.. and thanks in advance to anyone who's got some advice!

Support / MacOS version =)
« on: November 28, 2008, 07:34:31 am »
muahaha.. other than being quite happy that a mac version has finally come out.. trying to figure something out.

currently only running the demo version... but would like to change the initial configuration that I set it for.. ie: framerate/vsync stuff?  it's lagging a little bit and I wanna switch it up to see if I can get it running more smoothly.. anyone know where I could change the config? i took a browse through the "package contents" but didn't see anything that made me go "ah ha!"...

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