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Messages - BishopKayn

Pages: [1] 2 3
Games / Re: G-Mod
« on: April 21, 2011, 04:48:54 pm »
I've given up electronic gaming though at one point I was an admin on the SS Flood server. Flood was one of GMOD's better gamemodes; you built a boat and tried to sink everyone else. People would truce or team up which would lead to hilarity and backstabbing. Then there was a fishing mod where you had to fish for weapons and you would sometimes pull up enemies that everyone would have to fight. The most interesting CSS-like game mode: Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT) where a group of terrorist have turned against their brethren and there is a Detective to figure out who is killing off the other terrorists. Usually though his nosy nature gets him killed. Though some of the best things I found were all for personal use in single player such as Dasmatze's Bricks (Giant Legos that you could color). Had them moved to a multiplayer server where some friends made pod racer style vehicles with the wire app.

« on: April 21, 2011, 04:37:39 pm »
Rofl I trounced it within the first 8 hours of it being posted.  >:D I would agree that its humor wasn't quite as good though the mechanical fear of birds cracked me up.

Off-Topic / Re: Check in/Check out
« on: April 21, 2011, 10:21:01 am »
Am back and dedicated. Well my project to make a D&D 3.5 edition resource for Aquaria is running a lot better now that I can create pdf documents. My brief lapse was due to homelessness and lack of internet. Both are fortunately fixed for the time being. See you round the pond

>==////xP> Bishop

Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: April 21, 2011, 10:17:27 am »

 it was not known of the game would have a hardcopy release (on the DS was my hope - the control scheme would be perfect! :D) so I waited. And then a week ago, I got it. Didn't want to wait anymore! xD

-.o Explain hard copy? And welcome to the depths. But hard copy WHAAAAA? When'd that happen?

Off-Topic / Aquaria Campaign Initiative
« on: April 21, 2011, 09:52:34 am »
Finally have the ability to save things as .pdf and can edit them in word 2010 YEA! So with that said my motivation for the D&D water campaign I keep talking about can get underway. Which so far will consist of me going over each creature graphic file, making it whole and reversible then saving them and stating it out which will take a bit due to the fact that everything is giant sized, the smallest creatures still at standard human height for their length, the largest the size of a cloud giant or colossal height and lengths. I'll be renaming things in a more, D&D style as some of the creature names as they work function for the Aquaria Programming language and not so much in conversation and character's world lore.  Things that would be great to find would be really good artists to do drawn renders of the creature graphics. I'll even send templates for page backgrounds and sides using the original graphics, for the pdf (as I am going to be writing it) I want it to look as authentic as possible in accordance and tradition of the rest of the 3.5 series, so if someone decides to print it (I actually intend to get it printed as a hard copy not for sale but private distribution) Hopefully with some other people's help I am looking to write a core campaign book, a players' hand guide, a monster manual (may just go into the campaign book itself), A cave systems map both as the original map and a few topographical style images like the ones that D&D uses or a spin on the player mats (am thinking this would all be its own book), and several campaign adventure books. In ultimate length I am hoping to produce a series as long as the Forgotten realms/Faerun D&D books.  Good luck right?

Time line wise would be after Naija had restored her world meaning that the previous attitude of the Krotite may or may not exist but that aside (*COUGH PLOT DEVICE*) all the races would be present. Working on stats and racials for each. I will at some point find a way to add the Divine Gift abilities that Naija gained as either classes or racial feats available at higher levels haven't decided yet.
the race list that would come from the game is so far

Mermogs (Monster race)
and Humans

The humans provide a unique much more mechanical aspect, reflected in the Dark God's creation of the Lumereans who were fascinated by technology and emulated anything they could through it.  The other races that would fit from Dungeons and dragons would be the Kua-Toa, Locatha, Merfolk, Water Naga, Sahuagin,  Triton, Kopru, Ocean Giants, Ocean Striders, and Sirine. Many of these are monster races but suit the setting as decent opponents. There are many more monsters that would fit but these were the most human that I could find immediately, aside from aquatic elves and half elves. Need to look into making Merrow (aquatic Trolls). Also any water traveling dragon would be suited to the various areas, probably creating a drier den to store their library/treasure horde/food supplies, I believe this would be White, Gold, Copper, and Green Dragons though I am willing to accept correction and will correct myself as soon as possible.
Anyways I will post pictures, links, and creature statistics here. This will ultimately become the thread in which I post useful information for anyone wanting to run a D&D based Aquaria Campaign, of course what's wonderful is you could reverse magic rings for land based cavern exploration using a Ring of Air Breathing or the spell Breath Air


General / Re: Weird Underwater Creatures
« on: April 03, 2011, 07:32:06 am »
Sorry to hear it. I hate days like that. Just pissed you off too much huh?

General / Re: Weird Underwater Creatures
« on: April 01, 2011, 04:17:36 pm »
I'm the same way alpha. I have a hard time with deep blues and greens. I had a pair of green sweat pants I constantly called black they were that dark. But I learned much like yourself to define the colors I saw through what other people had told me they were. Though the very slight shades I tend to misname just because they are too close to the zones of light that make it hard for me to differentiate. Yeah April fools can be evil.

General / Re: Weird Underwater Creatures
« on: April 01, 2011, 02:48:09 am »
Awe. Fully or partially? (I'm partially colorblind)

General / Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« on: March 31, 2011, 09:44:33 am »
Huh right. We all do seem to forget that she's like 1/2 immortal, at least should be because Mia is  "as" powerful as the fallen Creator. Which would make the fledgling boy 1/4 immortal or a lesser demigod. Someone mentioned Li using the flying machine earlier (a point that irritates a bit) and though I know its slightly pushing the envelope here, it would be Naija's Demi-God Son that took to the skies as his mother grew yet older in her unconscious state. Which spurs another question: If she has so strove to revoke true divinity as her mother preferred.... then did Mia simply merge with her? Something that would be good to know for my D&D Aquaria Campaign that I may have found new inspiration for.  AHEM. (Yes Alec or Derek your voice in this matter would be ^_^ wonderfully admired)

General / Re: Weird Underwater Creatures
« on: March 31, 2011, 07:13:19 am »
I'll take them Isopods with these here Russian Invertebrates from the White Sea. All pictures belong to Alexander Semenov and most of my facts were pulled from the article written by Michele Collet here: http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/news-under-white-sea-alexander-semenov?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+environmentalgraffiti+%28Environmental+Graffiti%29
*see this link for the second sunstar image from the passage refrence below
And to start off the weirdness how about a shrimp; with no exoskeleton. he's called the skeleton shrimp more because of his looks, something like a cross between an inchworm (during locomotion), a walking stick (while resting) and a praying mantis while hunting. they are small enough to blend perfectly with the local sea grass.  Next on the list is a four million year old veteran of the sea, a rare brachiopod, Semenov has caught a wonderful image of the creature's digestive organ known as its lophophore. According to Collet's research (also gathered by Semenov and other scientists) this variety has survived as it seems that crustaceans and fish dislike the taste of them.  They mention that sibling species have died off, perhaps with speculation due to a tastier flesh  >:D.  Our next White Sea guest may feel vaguely familiar, nicknamed the sandworm, Nerei Pellagica is a rather large invertebrate growing lengths up to 40 centimeters and in width almost as wide around as your thumb. The frill like tendrils on its side are twofold in function, acting as multiple lungs as well as paddle-like oars that it uses to move through the water around it. The follower up may make you lose your lunch while trying to get its own. Nereis Virens not only is fairly unattractive due to many folds of skin, when hunting has the mildly disturbing habit of throwing its entire pharynx and mouth forward to its meal. the first image is the critter's face the second his attack on either the Semenov's camera or prey off camera. Our next White Sea guest is a luminescent sea slug whose spine colors depend upon what it eats and is very common. This next russian specimen is actually unidentified creature called an amphipoda, of which there are some 230 species in the White Sea. Aphipoda are shell-less crustaceans whose legs are distincly different unlike their isopod cousins. Returning to the sea slugs here is another wonderful example, this one bears a green digestive system and is fairly rare where the second image of its golden brown cousin is of a much more common species.  Our next guest is rather tricky because it looks like a luminescent flower, its actually a plankton eating predator that is only 3-4 mm in size. This next gorgeous find by Semenov is the Lepidonotus Squamatus which have twelve scales. Here you see the green scales of a female, males would be a pale color due the the semen they carry.  Next runner up is an image Semenov took of the skin of a sunstar. A common sea star which holds the title for the fastest of its kind, and will devour anything, including other sunstars. I also found a regular image of one on wiki for which i've provided linkage* . Another of Semenov's White Sea Beauties would be the predatory juvenile  sea slug called the Sea Angel, they match their metabolism to their immediate prey the Sea butterfly. This creature gained its name from its podal lobes that look like black wings while it beats them through the water. They are about the size of a lentil. Now hopefully you aren't tired of reading yet, and we shall see if this doesn't take up a page  O0. Next on the list is a Metridium Sea Anemone that has a central stalk surounded by its other long tendrils. However this specimen has purple tentacles, making it rare, normally they sport orange or yellow tendrils, Semenov once again outdoing himself.  Now this next image there are two creatures, and if it weren't for the counterpart's eyes you might miss the odd little guy, reportedly they look like small bears or elephant embryos, they are called Limanpontia, the two here are adults. They are generally brown but others can be lighter, as per the more visible one in Semenov's picture. This next specimen was dubbed the iSlug by Semenov, it is fairly common and its red color comes from its food source once again.
This next one doesn't really make the creature score but it sucks (somewhat literally) to be a microscopic critter near this interesting little plant http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_9399000/9399877.stm

General / Re: Aquaria Dungeons and Dragons Campaign
« on: March 31, 2011, 04:37:47 am »
Aeolius have I told you how much I adore your resourcefulness recently? ^^ And yes I went and scooped up that title and one other gem I'd been missing in pdf form.

Off-Topic / Re: Dungeons and Dragons
« on: November 19, 2010, 02:06:03 am »
I suppose I could do that, I was hoping either of them may have a resource of the compiled images of each creature. Having looked through the files it will take me a while and a lot of flipping of images to complete each one. Lacking photoshop this is far more difficult in my measly little paint app.

Off-Topic / Dungeons and Dragons (Help Needed)
« on: November 18, 2010, 05:41:43 am »
Imagine if you will an amazing place deep beneath the waves, where the races of the water strive and attempt to live, be it in peace or at war. Imagine that you wake, one day, as one of them, an Aquarian, seeking your own journey through the great vastness. If you think you would enjoy this, you crossed the right thread. I am forever working on a D&D campaign specifically for Aquaria, but I need resources to make my web books, and the whole thing available here. I may end up just turning it into a seperate thread or four, and publishing it here, that way someone could read through a section and join a server or  a yahoo chat room with other aspiring aquarians. But I need in game images of the fauna and Flora of each area. I've started working with fraps to do so and recruited an artist but such things go slowly, if anyone else wishes to help by taking in game pictures of each creature and plant you cross I would be eternally grateful. Also Alec (or Derek) is there any art pieces such as sketches that you'd be willing to label each and perhaps a small list of what they are capable of? You'd be awesome forever in my eyes.

Off-Topic / Re: random image posting and talk
« on: November 16, 2010, 11:14:41 am »
<< whats this? A land mammal.Oh well he's cute ^-^ plus his whiskers would feel better than a shrimp. Also he'd prolly lick ya for salt. A shrimp would try to taste ya and then run away when it realized you weren't edible. Unless it was a mantis shrimp. Eventually you'd swim away from that abusive crusty. T_T I really hate keeping critters caged. id rather be swimming next to them or for land lubbers let em out ta play. Oh feel free to post yer own pictures. Enjoy. If you post I will repost when I get a chance

Off-Topic / Re: random image posting and talk
« on: November 16, 2010, 11:11:30 am »
took this at the aquarium

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