Support / Re: SO CLOSE! yet so far ... (transfering Aquaria)
« on: November 18, 2008, 01:16:39 am »
I just wanted to say thank you to Alec for reactivating my download for me, I purchased the game just at the beginning of January this year, thinkin my old PC would be able to handle it, I was wrong so it sat there on my hard drive not be able to play what I thought was one of the most outstandingly beautiful looking games in the world. Finally got myself a decent PC the other week. Tried using my old installation file that I had transfered over but alas it would not work. Saw this thread so thought it was worth a shot. Alec reactivated my download and now the game works fine. You can't believe how long I've waited to play this game and now I finally can, thanks Alec your freaken awesome. Now time to go play me some more Aquaria.