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Messages - jonandra

Pages: [1]
Games / Re: anticapated games
« on: October 30, 2008, 09:20:47 pm »
Oh is it that bad there? Well don't worry they are nothing like that here or I wouldn't stay around long, I can take strong language in it's right place but flame wars and back biting I want nothing to do with.  >:(

It's not as bad as some places(forums) I've been, but politely put... it's quite messy currently.

The forums here already have the same general tone as Aquaria, relaxing, gently paced, soothing, intriguing ... :)

Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: October 30, 2008, 09:18:12 pm »
Hi I'm Steph and also an ex lurker (sorry about that but I am already a member of so many forums) :-[  But I really needed help with Aquaria so I decided to go ahead and join as searching and read FAQs didn't help :-[
I won't give my age if you don't mind but am a mother so you can guess that I am not young  ;D I paint most of the time and play games and do household chores the rest.

I am quite adept with a camera, Photoshop, Paint Shop, and some small amount of HTML and I love animals. There is that enough, if there is anything else I should mention please let me know, I don't mind being told if I make mistakes so long as it's done in a friendly manner :D

The other forums are art forums by the way :D

Then I'm guessing that lovely piece you have as an avatar is your own handiwork? :)

Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: October 30, 2008, 09:06:38 pm »
(don't know why I didn't see this yesterday)

Hi :) I'm Jonandra. Fun fact? That's not my real name... Does that count as a fun fact?
... not sure...

Owned this game since March '08, and only joined the forum yesterday... that seems like a funner fact. Is funner a word? Guess so, it wasn't spellchecked as wrong... O.O but spell checked as one word is... LOL

Okay, definitely a candid post.

Thank you again, Silverflagon, for the nice welcome.

Off-Topic / Re: Birthdays
« on: October 30, 2008, 08:58:31 pm »
Happy Birthday, Alec. :)  ;D


Seems cheesy to talk about one's own b-day on someone else's b-day, but there are so many July people here, I'll throw mine in for giggles.
July 21st

General / New (and thank you for the welcome)
« on: October 30, 2008, 08:47:37 pm »
I lurked here yesterday...

I'll apologize ahead of time for breaking any conventions... Silverflagon gave me a nice welcome last night when I *cough* posted in an old thread *sorry* :P
Anyway, I do so love this game. I reccomended it to a friend from another site just this morning. :)

I'm still looking for Dangermouse's finished mod file... And still getting used to this slightly different forum setup... Shouldn't take long. :)

I'm off to re-explore Aquaria!

Games / Re: anticapated games
« on: October 30, 2008, 08:41:10 pm »
Hi jonandra :D Now stop lurking and join us we don't bite :D ps this is an old thread but your post is in context so we don't nag you about grave digging yet    8)  poor chibi lol

Thanks for the kind welcome, sorry about *cough* grave digging...

You'll have to understand I'm a bit gun-shy, coming from Spore forum and all... :P

Games / Re: anticapated games
« on: October 30, 2008, 02:33:20 am »
Considering how Spore went from a massive concept to a massive and beautifully-rendered concept in like six months, I'm not too concerned about it never getting finished; if anything, all this jazz about procedurally-generated content and constant downloading of everyone else's user-generated stuff to populate the game universe makes me think that it'd be a disaster if it was released this year. Wasn't The Sims delayed a bunch of times, too? And now it's one of the most ridiculously super-selling franchises ever. They'll do OK.

Well, your prediction about Spore ending up a disaster regarding upload/download of user created content ended up being true...

Sorry... new poster here... have owned Aquaria since March 2008. Spore is actually why I'm here. Spore is dull, and it's a mess. Dug up Aquaria for something entertaining to play instead.

...Then realized I'd never joined the forum. Still lurking around for instructions on the patch, and latest news of Aquaria, and want to drop my compliments on the game for being pleasant, relaxing, and entertaining. It's obvious you guys put a lot of love into the game.


*returns to lurking*

Pages: [1]