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Messages - Aeon

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: I give up (possible spoilers)
« on: September 11, 2008, 02:33:26 am »
I must admit. Now that i know what i needed to do its really an awesome boss fight. Got 2 new forms now. Now i can travel everywhere i couldnt go before. Thats what i have been waiting for.

Gameplay / Re: I give up (possible spoilers)
« on: September 11, 2008, 01:48:28 am »
Jump? I am under water  :D Are you playing a different game? Dont worry you havent spoiled me anything. I have seen it in the trailer :)

You guessed right. Thats the one i am talking about. Thanks for the tip. Do you know if i can kill him with the energy shot? If i can manage to stay alive long enough.

Gameplay / Re: I give up (possible spoilers)
« on: September 11, 2008, 01:16:39 am »
Maybe i am getting old but i just dont have the patience any more to try everything 5 times. I am pretty certain that i would have killed this big guy if it was only for my shooting and movment skills. I am guessing there is something else i need to do. Like lure him into those gas things or something.

It would be fine if i die 5 times because its so hard to dodge his shots or whatever.I am used to that from games like R-type and ikaruga. I am fine with that. But if i cant figure out what i need to do or how i need to do it then i am getting dicouraged. Its obviously mostly my fault. Happens to me all the time in other games aswell. I just would like to play through the game, experience the story, the artwork (which is mostly why i bought the game) and the great sound score.

EDIT: Btw... i dont have a cursor. I am playing the game with my PS3 Joypad. I know i should play it with mouse first but i think its much more enjoyable with a gamepad.

Gameplay / Re: I give up (possible spoilers)
« on: September 11, 2008, 01:03:14 am »
You see.. i had no problem at all with the jelly fish :D.

I just reached this big guy in the cave. After shooting at him for 5 to 6 minutes i figured its puzzle again :( Puzzle disguised in an action sequence. I suck at puzzles.

Gameplay / Re: I give up (possible spoilers)
« on: September 10, 2008, 09:11:05 pm »
I guess the problem is that i just didnt realize that i could actually sit on chairs. (i know how this sounds) Everytime i found a bed i knew that i can sit down there. But there hasnt been a chair before. Maybe if there would have been one earlier (maybe in the house) which introduced the players to ... well... sitting :D it probably would have been more obvious.  Or just put a big red arrow with a "SIT DOWN" sign on it into the background ;) Thanks again for the help.

Gameplay / Re: I give up (possible spoilers)
« on: September 10, 2008, 08:42:28 pm »
.... well... that worked  :o

Thanks. I would have never thought of that. Sorry :(

Gameplay / Re: I give up
« on: September 10, 2008, 07:49:58 pm »
Yes there are. In every throne is one. Sure i have tried to swim through it. Its not working :(

Please dont tell me i have to start over :(


Gameplay / Re: I give up
« on: September 10, 2008, 07:40:40 pm »
Ok i just did that. I cant figure out whats missing here. According to those maps its maybe one of those emblems inside the chair. But mine is already in their. (Maybe i found it weeks ago when i gave up the first time O_o) So i am not sure what happenend when i placed it in the chair. Other than that the only thing thats missing is the half of the right banner and maybe the picture of the king. Which is in the cave where this coin emblem probably was.

Still ... the door in the throne room remains closed.

Look guys... I really appreciate that you guys arent wanna spoil me anything. But i really did waste the last 4 hours doing ... nothing. So please... spoil me what i have to do to reach some new areas. Its driving me nuts. Everytime i think: "Now this should be it" the only thing i find is some treasure or a a new little cave which leads into another dead end.

I am so tired of where i am right now. I visited every area like 5 times. And i am not exaggerating.

Gameplay / Re: I give up
« on: September 10, 2008, 05:28:29 pm »
I just realized that. Got the fish form and explored everything agian..... Now i am as far as i was before. Except the fact that i have the fish form and can swim faster :O I am more the action game typ of guy, maybe i am just too stupid for those puzzles :(

Gameplay / Re: I give up
« on: September 10, 2008, 04:39:18 pm »
I found the area already. I just couldnt figure out the puzzle. I wasnt even sure it is a puzzle until i looked at the maps. And than i just didnt realize that the little fish around here are actually part of the puzzle and not just part of the leveldesign. I guess there is a reason why so many people have a problem with this.

Still a great game. Especially for a little team like this. Thanks for the help

Gameplay / Re: I give up
« on: September 10, 2008, 03:24:14 pm »
I think i have.... There is one place in Mithalas that i cant go to because of the heavy current.

If i am already able to swim against those currents .... nobody told me :( I tried it with a hot soup (speed + 1). Wasnt working.

When i am looking at those maps http://www.yandwproductions.com/games/aquaria_maps.pdf at page 16 and 17 then i just cant figure out how to get the form near drasks trident (which i havent got either). Because i cant swim through the steam nor cant i against the current (page 16. I am guessing that this green nature tunnel thing on page 16 is connected to page 17). So i think i need to find another form before i can get this one.

What about page 21. Is this one of the forms aswell? I dont have that. No idea what to do. I do realize that the symbols on the stones are the same like my sing icons.

Gameplay / I give up (possible spoilers)
« on: September 10, 2008, 02:34:12 pm »
(I am from a none english speaking country so my english is maybe a little ... different :D)

Hi everybody. First of all, i hate download only games. I am one of those crazy game collectors who never sells a game.  But still i decided to get Aquaria. And i do like it very much. (You still need to make Cover for the fans to print out... maybe i will do it myself)

The reason why i am posting is this: I played aquaria for 8 hours now. I found the energy form, the nature form, This rock lifting ability some treasures for my home and this blue armor outfit. And now i have NO idea what to do next. I have been swimming around for 2,5 hours now. There is no space on the maps where i havent been (besides the spots where i cant go because i am missing some the forms). For example... i cant swim through those hot steams in Mithalas.... I just cant find any more forms.

I guess there is one more in Kelp forest besides the nature form. (i looked at the maps somebody from here did. Still cant figure out what to do.)

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