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Messages - Xorlium

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Thinking of buying... Linux!
« on: July 30, 2008, 07:18:56 pm »
Hmm... you need a phone to buy? I don't have a phone. I hate phones. I use my office number in my credit card...

(never mind... I'm downloading now!)

General / Re: Thinking of buying... Linux!
« on: July 30, 2008, 06:28:12 pm »
Okay, I'm convinced. I just bought it.

I sure hope it works in wine :)

BTW, unfortunately, pirates ALWAYS manage, whether the game has copy-protection or not. I don't understand why companies even bother. Copy protection affects only regular customers... pirates don't have to deal with it and us paying-customers always have problems with it.

See ya.

General / Thinking of buying... Linux!
« on: July 30, 2008, 03:20:22 am »
Hey all.

I just played the demo in Linux (with wine) and I want to buy this game. But first, I have some questions.
1- Does it have copy-protection? Because if I buy the game and then I can only install it in one computer and then ask for permission to install it again (say, in windows) if it doesn't work, then I don't want to buy the game. Also, I live in two places, so I would like to install it in both.

2- I understand there is a native linux port in the works. Once the linux native comes out... will I need to pay again for it? (If I buy the windows one)


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