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Messages - d3sphil

Pages: [1]
General / ringtone anyone?
« on: July 23, 2008, 07:56:54 am »
Seems like the theme song, or one of the awesome variations towards the end of the game, would be awesome as a ringtone.
I want it. Too bad I have no skillz nor timez to makez such awesomeness. But someone else can...?


Gameplay / Re: Ugh... Sometimes, It's just annoying.
« on: July 20, 2008, 08:15:16 am »
Alright. My post was a bit harsh. I wrote that right after dying.

What follows is random thoughts on games. But before that, I want to say thanks to Alec for being nothing but amazing. Not only did you do an amazing programing job (I'm a programmer too, sort of), but your music is amazing, and you're customer support is phenomenal. I don't know how you do it. So, a MILLION thanks to you!

(not a quote, but looks better)
I love the game; the art is amazing, and the music is great. I'm glad that the game-play has been tweaked a bit to guide people in the "right" way. That's great =D.

I'm a huge fan of indie games since they are a breath of fresh air amongst the boring old mainstreaming games. I visit tigersauce all the time (thanks Derek for this great site). The problem I have found is that they have a tendency of getting really hard, really fast. This really doesn't have much to do with Aquaria; but the same thing happened with Everyday Shooter for me.. Put about 15 hours in and then couldn't play it anymore because I just wanted to throw my computer off the roof after dying 3 times in a row in 10 seconds. But, I suppose this is all part of the growth of the community. I should just play "You have to burn the rope" some more. That makes me so happy =D.

All that said, thanks for the offer. I'm actually not too far from a turtle (I think) to the home area. What would be great is if I had a bit of direction to where to go next: towards the surface, etc... From that I can do the rest. Oh, and is it possible to use the L/R Triggers on the 360 controller? I can't seem to map them.

Gameplay / Ugh... Sometimes, It's just annoying.
« on: July 20, 2008, 05:51:52 am »
So, I bought this game the day it came out. I love Derek and Alec =D.
Played  about 12 hours, but eventually got stuck all over the place. I was just always msising a form. And I only had like 4 of them.

So, I stopped playing. And now, about 6 months later, I started again, since I thought I should really finish the thing.
But, I started over, because before I had just really messed things up. The opened'ness of hte game is nice... but also really really pisses you off sometimes.

I decided to go "down" once at the open waters, since last time I went "up" and totaly got stuck after getting one or two forms.
I start going down, and find myself around the Abyss. I remember this place, it was dark and holy-crap-scary. I got stuck there last time. But this time it was a lot easier to make it through the Abyss. I'm cruising along, and I can totaly make it through everything; Nothing is stopping me from going there. Aparently, you don't even need beast form to get there. Then I find myself against a giant jelly-fish. All I have is Energy Form. Well, I try really hard, I have A TON of food. But you can't kill the jelly spawns.

AWeSOME. There we have it. I put 2.5 hours into the game to get somewhere that is actually impossible for me to do anything in...
Seriously.. I mean, it's just a bit discouraging and enfuriating. Now, where should I go next? Clearly, just back-track through the Abyss (NOT FUN) to get back somewhere else... Ugh.. -_-.

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