General / Aquaria Retail Distribution
« on: July 07, 2008, 08:02:55 pm »
Taking a hint from this topic - http://www.bit-blot.com/forum/index.php?topic=1142.0
Hey everybody I am trying to get some kind of contact back from Alec and Derek concerning an offer I made to them to release their game in retail outlets. I admit I work for a new game publisher/distributor but we have been an independent DVD distributor for over 12 years and we are putting a major effort into expanding into pc games.
I don't know what else to say, I've contacted Alec and Derek multiples times and the two times that I did get a response it was a form letter. From all the positive messages and feedback Alec and Derek seem to give the community here I am surprised that they would snub me.
I had one of our artists do concept cover art for Aquaria's possible retail release.
Hey everybody I am trying to get some kind of contact back from Alec and Derek concerning an offer I made to them to release their game in retail outlets. I admit I work for a new game publisher/distributor but we have been an independent DVD distributor for over 12 years and we are putting a major effort into expanding into pc games.
I don't know what else to say, I've contacted Alec and Derek multiples times and the two times that I did get a response it was a form letter. From all the positive messages and feedback Alec and Derek seem to give the community here I am surprised that they would snub me.
I had one of our artists do concept cover art for Aquaria's possible retail release.