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Messages - Kolossov

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Praise and Question (Spoilers Inside)
« on: June 27, 2008, 12:57:11 am »
Quote from: silverflagon
It is possble to park yourself in a spot where it can't get at you and just spam it but I've no idea if it's possible to kill it that way?

Nah, I'm pretty sure that the only way to weaken it is to set off all the beams, then shoot it's vulnerable pulsating posterior O.o

Quote from: Glamador
Sorry to make you feel inadequate...I realized it pretty much immediately.

Well, what can I say, you're a God of gaming, I wish I was more like you XD

Quote from: Glamador
However, I did die my first time fighting one of them.  But it wasn't the eyething that killed me, it was the little minions it spawned.  I didn't know what to do to finally finish off the beast (I figured it out later of course) and I allowed about a dozen of those creatures to spawn.  They spammed me to death.

Same actually, I wasted all my heal items so when the minions got on my case I couldn't heal. Do they spawn infinitely? It's like there's a time limit to kill the thing  :o

Brings up another interesting question, do Moneye Spawners spawn infinite Moneye? I might just go and investigate that...

General / Re: Praise and Question
« on: June 26, 2008, 12:53:49 pm »
True, it probably is done this way in order to make the encounters more scary and exciting. I'm probably just bitter 'cause the multi eyeball blob that shoots laser beams in all directions killed me.  :P
How long did it take you guys to realize that you're supposed to shoot all of its eyes and make them all emit laser beams simultaneously? I wasted all my heal items trying to spam the thing to death before I decided there was probably some sort of special tactic I'm supposed to use.

General / Re: Praise and Question
« on: June 26, 2008, 03:26:43 am »
It's not an expectation, just an idea I wanted to share  ;)

General / Re: Praise and Question
« on: June 26, 2008, 01:25:44 am »
Yeah, you're right; but I'd save anyway, and then if I'm being beaten up I'd have the option of just reloading a save, which is what you have to do now in some situations; or executing a cunning escape, restocking, and trying again. Perhaps it's a bit more tedious for some, but I've gotta come clean about myself: I want to complete this game someday without dying at all, not even once. Just one nice clean story from beginning to end  :D

The situation I've described above is the biggest obstacle to that - if you play cautiously enough it's very easy to avoid dying most of the time.

General / Praise and Question (Spoilers Inside)
« on: June 25, 2008, 05:56:44 pm »
Aquaria is my favourite game right now; it's unique atmosphere really draws you in. It's a work of genius  :)

I wanted to ask the developers why certain boss battles (e.g. the giant blob with many eyeballs near the top right of Mithalas Cathedral) were set up so that the only option the player has once they enter the room is to either defeat the boss or die - there is no way at all to escape, recover, reconsider tactics and return - you're put in a cage with the monster and your only way out is over its corpse  :P Providing ways of escaping really tough encounters in order to fight another day would fit Aquaria's gameplay pretty well in my opinion and I don't think it'd make the game too easy - defeating bosses would still be difficult since they respawn with full health when you leave the area.

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