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Messages - Matlock

Pages: [1]
General / Re: I have found a word describing Aquaria's ending
« on: June 18, 2008, 02:54:24 pm »
First time poster here, I literally just finished the game (with secret ending, yay) and I've been playing Aquaria NONSTOP since I got it a few days ago.

I didn't read the whole thread, nor do I intend to. People will always nitpick games, yada yada yada. What's important to know is that you guys have made an utterly fantastic game. There's no other way to put it. Beautiful, entertaining, fun, full of atmosphere...it has everything. I've been playing video games since I was old enough to grasp an NES controller in my pudgy kid hands, and it is very rare for me to be floored like this. I loved it. I am drooling in anticipation of the sequel, and it kills me to know that it'll be years until it comes out, probably. I'm telling all my friends to buy your game...hell, I'll buy it for them if I have to, just so they can play it and be amazed the same way I was.

Games like Aquaria are what the gaming community needs, guys. I say that as a lifelong gamer. Keep it up. Seriously.

Did I mention that I loved this game!?  ;D

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