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Messages - Poobah

Pages: [1]
General / Re: WiiWare?
« on: June 18, 2008, 04:39:23 pm »
Despite the grammar mistakes, what Triquick here says is true.  No matter how good you're work is, if nobody sees it you won't get any attention.


And don't forget what they can do with your penis.

lol, what is it with you and guys and penises?

Gameplay / Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« on: June 15, 2008, 04:57:56 pm »
By the way, I defeated the giant crab by attacking it's weakpoint for massive damage.

LOL, nice one.

I was impressed by the crab's real-time weapon-change ability, since we aren't easily entertained these days, and are certainly not interested in gimmicks. Was that giant enemy crab based on actual Japanese history? By the way, I think it would've been a bit easier if there was a way to flip over this crab on its back and attack its weak-point for massive damage.

Good job on the game, though, guys; the game is a technical masterpiece. The real-time character-change was groundbreaking!


Every single man will answer that with the word "penis".

I'm a man and I'd say my hands are my favourite body part. It's incredible what you can train them to do, such as playing musical instruments, typing, spinning things, dancing, etc.

Support / Re: Treasures vanishing?
« on: June 15, 2008, 04:23:06 pm »
This happened to me, too. I thought the game had strange bugs or something, 'cause I had no idea that some items had been put on page 2. Perhaps they could fill up page one before page 2 is used?

Gameplay / Re: Phew! All finished....*sort of spoilers*
« on: June 15, 2008, 04:04:03 pm »
I think the text just before you get thrown back to the main menu just says "The End". (Notice how the last letter of the first word and first letter of the last word are identical?) I reckon it's still English, but a different font. I bet you can work out what most of the stuff says by looking at the translation done on the main menu for the different options. I also bet some of the cryptic text is actually funny or something! ;)

I'm gonna give that a try right now.

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