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Messages - Hawkey

Pages: [1]
General / Re: $1 million on the HIB! Open Source Aquaria FTW!
« on: May 12, 2010, 03:55:02 pm »
Yeah, buying Aquaria a third time was it definite worth (~ not to mention the other games) ;)

I will try with a few other guys of my class to make a port for the Pandora  :)

Would also be interesting to see a port for upcoming plattforms like iPhone OS (~ iPad) or Android, since more people got attracted to tablets this year. Just time can tell what will happen  ::)

General / Re: Disc version/Future Retail plans
« on: January 29, 2009, 03:28:51 pm »
@Titch: I guess it will cost more if the package will include such a plush, but I think it will be defenitly worth the money (don't forget it isn't easy to produce a high qualatiy, limited boxed version with extra stuff)  ^-^

I would appreciate something like a nice Naija (or even a small pet) plush too (beside the magnets of the Macworld Expo :D ). Perhaps you could talk with Danielle (Ed's woman) about such a thing (she even offers individual commisions for 35$, hopefully mine will arrive soon ;) ): blog & shop.

General / Re: How was Aquaria animated?
« on: January 04, 2009, 06:07:35 pm »
Just if anyone missed the Independet Tour from the Wolfire guys: Part 4 : Aquaria with some making of stuff  :D
(hopefully Alec&Derek inlcude a "large/full" Making off Special to the boxed Version of Aquaria)

General / Re: Applauding the DRM removal
« on: December 29, 2008, 10:22:59 am »
Sorry if I am asking the obvious here, but is the Version 1.1.1 for Windows DRM free? Does that mean that I can have it simultaneously installed on my home PC, on my laptop, and on my work's PC, without any problems (and winthout being illegal)?

Yes we can....

I wan't to say: Yes you can  :D
(I even did this with the old Version 1.0.3, but I had to use the licence Key 2 times to activate the game)

Lets see what the coming Patch 1.1.2 fixes  ::)

General / Re: Pajama Jam #1
« on: December 21, 2008, 10:55:02 pm »
Could you post the sheet music for that piece Alec? Thanks! It's much truer to the soundtrack than my halfhearted attempts.  ::)

Hopefully the arrangements will be included in the OST booklet, so I can scan some "easy ones" (are there some tracks, that are playable even for beginners ?), enlarge/print them and play some by myself (although I am aware, that it definitly won't sound as good as yours Alec)  ;)
[or in a easier way, perhaps you could just put them as some kind of copy protected PDF documents on the CD :D ]

Than how about a "who-copies-Alecs-Pajama-Jam-Session-1-at-best"  :P
At least we could try something else, perhaps I could cook a "Dream Meal" in some kind of sleepwalking mode.
Mh, lets see what the christmas days will bring :P

General / Re: Disc version/Future Retail plans
« on: December 13, 2008, 11:46:28 am »
I would suggest some kind of "pre-invastigation" would cover at least a few ones, too see how many people are interested in it (paying money for an pre-order bounds more people than just a simple "one-click-vote" and you could offer a 5$ discount, instead of 25$, just 20$ like the game). Hopefully your & Jennas work will be as good as allways (= awesome)  ;)

For the Special Edition: I am really looking forward to it,  since the game showed me what a Independent Gamedeveloper could do (long time before I recognized WoG, Gish or CC) compared to the "mono-mass comercial market", at which companies sells often the name or the graphic of a title to attract customers (less than the core content, like the story)...
If you do a Special Collector Edition (perhap you could mention that it is limited too 1000, so you could calculate the costs ?), I hope we could still make it unique by giving you our names for the title screen etc.; moreover it would be great if some goodies will be included (such as a printed Manual, an Artbook, a Map of Aquaria and some other bonus)  :D

[PS:  I don't know what you thought about the price, but if it's for me; I am willing to pay nearly any amount up to 80$, which I think is normal for a rare limited Collection Edition (if it should be cheaper, I still wouldn't complain)  :) ]

Support / Bought the game and still haven't recived my emails #2
« on: June 08, 2008, 06:59:43 pm »
Hio Bit-Blots (Alec & Derek),

like in the topic here i would like to get the E-Mail with the Link to the Game. I bought it for my sister as a gift at Wednesday (= for 4 days), but i didnt receive a answer (just Plimus message in which they write they send me the Mail, when they get the money).
I sended you a E-Mail with the referenznummber at your "admin bit-blot" adresse.
Hopefully you can help us to get the game today (it should be her birthday present for the 08.06, thought 3 days to check the money would be okay Oo).


Okay thanks (for the help/support), got the Mail with the download  ;)

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