Modding / Re: Adult Mod, 18+ only!
« on: June 14, 2010, 12:01:17 am »Actually, there's a child size of Naija too, I'd say she's in/past her teens in the game
The child sprite is similar in aspect ratios to the version played in the game. It has smaller breasts, but overall a similar body shape.
Mia is just big.
Here I would have to fairly emphatically disagree. If she were "just big", then she would look like a scaled-up Naija, and that she clearly does not. Her aspect ratios much more closely resemble those of an adult - her curves are more pronounced, her head is no larger than Naija's, her legs taper more. In every way she looks not larger, but more like an aduld.
Additionally, if Mia were just big, then the sprite for Lucien's girlfriend would more closely resemble Naija, and it doesn't. It is clearly based (and the same size as) on the same adult template that Mia is.
Also, what child knows how to articulate so damn well?
I perhaps have not been clear enough that I've been referring to her visual appearance. But if you want to speak of behaviour, while the speaking is exceedingly articulate, the non-verbal behaviour is young and quite cutesy - the giggling when she changes clothes, the little sigh when she hugs Li. In fact, pretty much every in-game look, sound-effect, and behaviour except for the narration is fairly cutesy.
So really, I'm not going to change anything. It's a nude mod, not a sexy mod. I've kept the most original body shape as possible.
This is fine, it is your mod after all. I should point out that my goal was not to promote a 'sexy' Naija. In fact, this is specifically not my goal. I really just want a Naija that is old enough for an adult to look at comfortably. I don't like looking at nude pre-adolescents or tweens.
Gobbo: I'm fairly certain the game makes the collision bounding boxes dynamically from the size of the sprite graphics. There are just too many creatures to have them all hard-coded. It would make changing any graphic element in the game a nightmare for the developers, and dynamically sized bounding boxes aren't hard to code.
Sindhi: As mentioned above, I don't think any code changes are required to visually age Naija to a look that more closely resembles the age she is portrayed in the story.