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Messages - slantedtruth

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Help! I'm Stuck!
« on: May 04, 2008, 11:45:47 pm »
Erhm...I usually just bait them by flitting towards them slightly then zipping behind them as they dash at me.

See that's what I thought, and tried, but maybe I'm just not quick enough. I'll keep trying.  :)  Thanks!

Gameplay / Help! I'm Stuck!
« on: May 04, 2008, 11:08:21 pm »
This forums has been a tremendous help! Thank you so much everyone!! I've been researching a question I have and haven't found an answer here, so I finally got motivated to sign up and ask!

How can you get past the big fish that guard little passageways or lairs in the kelp forest?  They were referred to as wolffish in a thread 6 months ago, but no direct answer was given.

I have energy, fish, sprit, sun, nature, and beast form, and I also have Li.

Thanks, again!!

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