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Messages - jj89

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: After-the-end Question
« on: May 04, 2008, 04:41:18 pm »
well I've just finished collecting every possible thing (though I don't have a few recipes pages).

total play time: 20 hours.

anyone kind enough to open a "how much time did your initial playthrough took" poll?

Gameplay / Re: After-the-end Question
« on: May 04, 2008, 12:19:21 pm »
thanks for the quick response guys!

@ Glamador: "So no, don't worry about having to explore everything before you fight the boss.  Progress is not saved afterwards and you will not be shut out."

you mean- I will be shut out.

so I guess everyone get back to their save before the final boss after they beat him, and continue exploring from there (after seeing how the game ends) without fighting him?

Gameplay / After-the-end Question
« on: May 04, 2008, 03:27:48 am »

I've got a disturbing gameplay question-

I've just finished the game with the secret end (btw what in it isn't shown in the regular end?). Is that it?
I mean can't I continue treasure-hunting in the just-fixed world?
So entering the final battle means I won't get a chance to explore Aquaria again?  ???

Does that mean I'll have to explore the world only before the final boos battle sequence?

Thanks for replying. I have to be sure of that, because it's kind odd/bad you "lose" everything by battling that last battle.

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