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Messages - ncd

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General / Re: I have found a word describing Aquaria's ending
« on: April 21, 2008, 06:56:22 am »
Well, finally finished the game with both endings. And I bought it pretty much when it came out :P

My reaction is.... so when's the sequel? I LOVED it! A perfect game if there ever was one.

However, I don't have any of the peeves that you mentioned except I do have one thing to say -  it would nice to be able to see the endings again without having to fight the Creator all over again. I could understand most of the things that was going on, but by the time you get to Mia, it all happens so fast.

One thing that I wondered, after the fist ending, when you are going down the spiral cave, if you die from bumping into those spiky vine things, do you die and get a game over and have to fight the boss again to get there again? I wasn't really willing to try this.

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