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Messages - NFy

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Huge creature in Kelp area?
« on: April 22, 2008, 06:36:07 am »
Ye, you can find such in 3 areas(if my memory serves ;)). One in the ancient turtle area, the 1st you normally enter in Kelp Forest, in the hidden spot(i guess i shouldnt tell you location to keep intrigue or smthg, maybe somebody will spoil it for you), other in the large area north-east from this one and the last one .. i just remember there is one more but as im new to this game too will be hard to remind now where exactly, have fun in your adventure.

Gameplay / Re: Stuck in Mithalas.
« on: April 21, 2008, 08:07:35 pm »
Ok, thanks all.

K just got the egg. What I thought about that stone down the waterfall it cant be there accidentally. So I bound it and even hadnt to use +speed food to get in the last bubble in normal form, then the same procedure with egg, so good job to me etc ;)

Gameplay / Re: Stuck in Mithalas.
« on: April 21, 2008, 08:38:30 am »
I mean the egg in the very top right section of map, in the nest. I have no idea if its there under the bird or she drops it when flies away as I never done it, anyway didnt got the tactic if you tried to include one ;) And yes, I need it for food recipes(dunno which yet though). Then ok, ill try again and again as I did before but it must be bug with pearl in my house(if its so, any idea how to solve ?), I tried charged shot it multiple times. As I thought buffs do not stack, thanks. Can I hear about this bottom left room in my house, or ill get the sue of it on my own as I step further ?

Ok m8, my bad. Just opened with charged shot, only required alternate angle of shooting or direct hands ;)

Gameplay / Re: Stuck in Mithalas.
« on: April 21, 2008, 02:42:29 am »
Guys, to not flood topics tell me here please. I cant open the upper door in house with charged shot nor anyhow at all, its a bug or ill be able later ? And what is the room with kind clock gear in the bottom left corner( I found something in other thread but at that moment nobody knew yet), in fact same question if ill get it later on. Right and by the way, did someone actually reached that egg in turtle cave(ive heard I can get other easier later but still) ? I tried with +2 speed(do buffs stuck btw 2+2 etc ? seems like not) in beast form then in air transform into energy and attack a bird, she attempt to fly away and in that moment I usually fall too. Anyway if you not cba explain I would be glad to know the technique. If there is some person that would teach/explain me all that stuff above .. would be just awesome.

Gameplay / Re: Stuck in Mithalas.
« on: April 20, 2008, 08:23:56 pm »
No, while been waiting for answear found the thread i need. But i swear god Ive tried to sit on that throne, each of 3 .. I mean after comleting missing coin-like stuff. But thanks, now I know what I am going for there.

Gameplay / Stuck in Mithalas.
« on: April 20, 2008, 07:59:12 pm »
Hi, I got fish, nature, energy and normal forms. Am i able by some way swim against fast water ? And if not (as it seems), what to do in Mithalas. Ive read that i need beast form to get through upper right way, but i dont know where to get it. Ive  got only 5 ways, 3 of them include fast water i cant handle, 1 got these hot water fountains or smthg, and i even been to Abyss, where i would need Sun form. So thats the problem.

General / Re: New player, need some notes.
« on: April 19, 2008, 12:27:05 am »
Ye, thanks all. Did it other hour ago.

General / Re: New player, need some notes.
« on: April 18, 2008, 10:58:56 pm »
Alright, got it. But is there any reason attempting to finish this ;) ? Just had to know that it is really hard, not that im mr. woodhands.

General / New player, need some notes.
« on: April 18, 2008, 10:23:39 pm »
Hi, I just started playing Aquaria. Well wont surprise you if i say the game seems to be nice. And got kinda surprised by difficulty in the 1st level. So here is the thing: when this kind ghost or something appears and i am transformed into firelady, im totally getting pawned by these little blue things some stuff is shooting, they are incredibly fast and 1-2hit me. Afaidk how critically may be for me not completing this, could you explain me what is this minilvl(or how to call it?) about, is there some good reward, could i repeat it later .. and if its worth by any mean, maybe some note on how to complete this. Or maybe its hard because i got widescreen and cant see them in the moment other players with 4:3 able to detect already ? Any help would be welcome.

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