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Messages - Coldplayer

Pages: [1]
Why would they need a time machine? There's a June every year ...  8)

 :o Gasp! Oh no! i never thought of that, wait, that's a whole year! No!! :'( Please bring it out now, i don't care how it plays! ill give it a 10 no matter what!

General / Re: Australian Release date
« on: June 14, 2007, 02:04:25 pm »
 :-[ no-one loves me....


General / Australian Release date
« on: June 07, 2007, 02:38:00 pm »
Hey! This is the game that i never new that i was always waiting for!.........    Anyway! Please don't leave lill old Aus out of the pic, please! please! release it here too! in disc format, i like to see my games in the flesh.  Oh and i would love some limited-edition Posters, go for ya life and jack up the price,  as supporters of your game we wan't u to do well and prosper. I got the perfect spot in my room for a realy Heavenly, out of this world, makes me wana cry type poster, oh and some H2O ofcause,  :P. Bye! Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!

Pages: [1]