Modding / Re: Alec stopped hosting mods (Please help)
« on: May 20, 2018, 05:11:02 pm »
I have BeautyOfAquaria_v1.0.5.rar, CostumeMod.zip, Pirate.rar, Sacrifice_v1.11.zip, and other mods I downloaded in 2010.
I've zipped up all the mods I have and uploaded them here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/bop1alcr0p1rrol/Aquaria%20Mods.zip
Thanks to XDemon666 for posting on the the Aquaria Wiki asking about Beauty of Aquaria, without that question, I wouldn't have known people needed these.
Please share these, repost the link where-ever you like, and reupload the mods individually if you like. Let's not let these be lost to time!
I've zipped up all the mods I have and uploaded them here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/bop1alcr0p1rrol/Aquaria%20Mods.zip
Thanks to XDemon666 for posting on the the Aquaria Wiki asking about Beauty of Aquaria, without that question, I wouldn't have known people needed these.
Please share these, repost the link where-ever you like, and reupload the mods individually if you like. Let's not let these be lost to time!