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Messages - Lexxvs

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: problem with the whale song
« on: March 30, 2008, 01:07:05 am »
I did it all well. And I get back to the cave. Actually, what may happen is that the cave is small, and if you transform from fish to sun character at the wrong spot, you cover the first note, that by the way it's a little lower, not in the same line as the others. May be the solution would had been to put the symbols above the whale drawing, so it's in a better display.
As the symbols are made to look that they are ingraved in the rock -not marked all black  as in the Arnassi ruins race song- it's easer to miss the first one if you happens to be too close.
Thank you for commenting.

Gameplay / Re: problem with the whale song
« on: March 29, 2008, 07:10:14 am »
Thank you, I'll try it. Though for what I see the problem -and it happens to many people- is that I have seen actually just four notes not five, the purported -and I guess it's right- first note doesn't show off very well or it's kind of hidden.  May be that as the cave is small and dim if you are at the wrong place you may cover it or miss it easily.

Gameplay / Re: problem with the whale song
« on: March 29, 2008, 05:23:28 am »
The same happens to me. That is: I know the song -I've written it from that litle secret fish to go cave- but when I sing it to the whale she/he/it does nothing. I've read same question anywhere by other unansweared people but -unless it's a question of sheer luck- no one is responding. May be you have to be aside its ear, (WTF) that happens to be inexistent.
Hope someone would notice!
Thank you in advance. 

Pages: [1]