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Messages - oatmeal

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Annoying map question
« on: March 26, 2008, 07:16:48 am »
I looked in the three forum sections, and didn't see it addressed anywhere, hopefully I'm just not blind.   Is there anyway to get the entire map to show the white areas.  It is kind of annoying to be all the way across the world, and not be able to see where you have or have not been, because the map only shows little sections of the map at a time.  It makes exploration a little arduous, and very time-consuming.  Something like Castlevania or Metroid type map exposure. 

I'm about halfway through the game, and so if there is an item I missed then please don't tell me where it is (just let me know it exists, I do like the surprise of finding treasures) or if there is a mod that can do this please point me in the right direction.  Thanks for the help, and hopefully this will help other people as I cannot be the only one who finds this irksome. 

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