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Messages - feralkoala

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Stuck in Song Cave
« on: June 08, 2010, 08:51:33 pm »
I was, up until this point, using just the mouse. In retrospect, that was not at all a good idea. Trying to avoid being shot and shooting simultaneously resulted in me shooting at myself,  floating in the middle of an area being shot on all sides, or accidentally ramming into enemies. I've switched to mostly wasd for the energy form and it's worked much better, albeit a lot slower. I can't really do the wall dash/grab with the keys very well. I made to the 2nd? boss fairly quickly after that. I have yet to dispatch him. I've figured out how to do it, but I got swiped one too many times and called it a night.

And by shooty things I mean the white jellyfish things that spawn endlessly from the green glowing rocks. They shoot purple stuff.

I noticed the glowing on the first go. I must have thought the blue circle was glowing because of my proximity to the glyphs and the similar color to the background.

Thanks for the help.

Gameplay / Re: Stuck in Song Cave
« on: June 08, 2010, 03:13:11 am »
Hmm, it still doesn't work. What's the exact order then?

There's a blue circle, two green leaves pointing down, a yellow heart, and an orange sun.

Ahaha. Well I am dumb. It's a pink circle and not a blue one.

Blargh. I'm not doing well at this at all. After I get the energy form, there's no way to go back and save so I don't have to keep defeating the first statue over and over? I keep dying after about a minute in to the little shooty enemies.

Gameplay / Stuck in Song Cave
« on: June 08, 2010, 01:52:07 am »
I'm trying not to get spoilers, which is why I resorted to posting. I've been everywhere I possibly can, and I can't get the second song. I've been to the room with the two singers on the wall of the cave, with the four symbols underneath. I must say I found it very frustrating that this wasn't an obviously clickable object, as I had to come here to just find out that much. It looks simply like a background image. Anyway, I'm supposed to go to the door with the big spiral on the center and the 3 little triangles adorning the rounded top. But, what do I do once I get there? I've tried clicking everywhere on the door, and singing the song in various positions at the door, but nothing happens.
Have I missed something else? Should I be able to move the giant boulders blocking passageways at this point? Should I be able to move the big pearls? Also, how do I tell how much health she has? I've been able to make some food, but I have no idea if I need to eat it or when she's at max.

Gah. It's a lovely game, but like usual I end up getting stuck in places most people never do.

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