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Messages - ladeda

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / LI isn't at Li's cave!
« on: July 14, 2010, 04:13:09 pm »
This is a major problem. I'm pretty sure I need Li in order to properly finish the game.

So I reach the veil and I have all the forms except for light. I decide to have some fun and try to scale the left side of the sun temple using beast form. I quickly realize I can get good progress in plant form by using the sprout things for grip. I launch one straight at my feet and rocket upwards... right into the broken window that goes to the boss room in the sun temple. I figure this isn't too bad and beat the boss in one try. I then head backwards through the cave to the normal chambers of the sun temple and make my way up to the lost memory where a young Li is featured on a boat. Now I decide to go and find Li, but once I reach Li's cave, he's not even there! What do I do?

EDIT: Li is found, all is well, but doing that plant thing rockets me upwards. Pretty cool.

Gameplay / Fish Form (YES, I know...)
« on: April 14, 2008, 12:53:03 am »
I have explored practically every nook and cranny I could think of in the Kelp Forest so as to find the great secret fish form. I searched it here, but either the posts are vague and don't tell you about where exactly to find fish form or are already about a certain area that they've already found to get fish form (the area which I have no clue about!).

Again, because I am so irked, just NEED to know just where to go in the Kelp Forest to get fish form! PLEEZ!

Modding / More Modding Questions! NOOO!
« on: March 27, 2008, 12:53:35 am »
Thanks to the extremely large amount of help in the Aquaria forums, I've gotten the confidence to learn some mapping skills and have now gotten a good feel for nodes, tiles, and entities. Unfortunately, I still can't wrap my head around a few things...

1: I've noticed that The_Bear has made a very well made preview of his upcoming Aquaria prequel mod. Looking at his tileset folder, I notice that all of the tiles are in different .txt files, and yet he uses them separately somehow for the two different areas his mod is set in (one is the energy temple, the other the hub tileset). How do I do this? Also, is it possible to compile all these tiles into one .txt file? Do the numbers beside each tile have any purpose?

2: All of the map tests I've been trying out to get a feel for the editor have been in the Aquaria starter template, which has its limits. First off, it's limited in shape. I simply cannot understand how I can change the circular outline; removing those tiles that make it up is easy, but I don't understand how I might be able to remove them in themselves. Is there some other way to set up these pixellated areas and those tiles?

3: It's also limited in composition; the main music and background (heck, even the starting tiles for the map borders) all comes from the hub level. Supposing I wanted to make a Kelp Forest themed level (or whatever theme I desire, for that case), would I be able to change the background colour, music, and walls as I use the editor? Are there alternatives?

Thank you very much for reading my questions. You guys are a really great and helpful community.

Modding / Lack of items!
« on: March 25, 2008, 11:19:06 pm »
I decided to get my bearings with the editor in Aquaria and noticed that I could only select a handful of tiles, background items, entities, etc. What's wrong? Isn't it very varied? I've only got four entities, a complete lack of scenery outside of maybe home waters (and even IT'S not scratching the surface). I'm not sure what's wrong.

Modding / Aquaria shorts
« on: March 25, 2008, 01:53:00 pm »
I noticed that in the Aquaria Modding section, a lot of people were focusing more on trying to make big, hearty expansions with new storylines and characters and so on. With all due respect, this is TOTALLY AWESOME, it seems like it would take a long while before it would be done. I think that instead of doing that, I should create Aquaria "shorts", quick coffee break levels that are admired not for their depth, but their design or innovation. I've had little experience with the editor, but I'm sure I'll be able to post a few shorts by the next week and a half.

A few ideas I'm working on...

1:A kelp-foresty cave with seaweed everywhere, lightly covering up and hiding secret passages or important items.
2:A vertical downwards passage not unlike the one with those projectile firing squids, but with many side passages to make travel/combat more varied.
3:A level in which all the currents go in circles, creating puzzling whirlpools that meander your progress or makes fights more frantic.

Gameplay / Re: Aquaria Speed Runs **Spoilers**
« on: March 25, 2008, 12:26:07 am »
I'm aware that it might be a bit of a more cheap and not as interesting alternative, but a TAS of Aquaria may be sure to follow.

Gameplay / Cooking and the Verse
« on: March 25, 2008, 12:10:48 am »
After having completed Aquaria, being careful to get all the lost memories (AWESOME ENDING OMGAWD!), I decided to go for a new game just for memories sake. I noticed that, when you make the sea cake for the first time (any oil+any egg), a three note tune will play. I wanted to see what this sounded like in Naija's "verse menu", and I noticed that the symbols for the three notes vaguely resembled the actual ingredients!

I wonder if this is merely coincidence, though. I'm going to try out some other recipes soon.

Gameplay / Abyss jellyboss
« on: March 23, 2008, 09:45:36 pm »
GAWD I'm asking for way too much help in this forum already.

I recently noticed that the only actual interesting dead end was a boss section. Going there constantly, I found that he was as hard and annoyingly overpowered as hell. I was okay with the idea of him having three lasers pop out of his eyes, but the fact that he also had the ability to spawn hundreds of jellyfish to psh me around long enough to kill me was the real problem. If I turned my attention away to the jellyfish, I would never get anywhere. Turning to the jellyboss, however, got me even faster nowhere 'cause the jellies were attacking and pushing me quick enough to kill me without me even getting a pot shot at his eye.

PLEASE tell me I'm doing something wrong and that maybe there's a much simpler solution to this whole thing! Otherwise, PLEASE tell me that he was just a sentient invincible being, a god of of extremelyhardbossiness.

Gameplay / Dark areas; wha?
« on: March 23, 2008, 04:06:22 pm »
I've noticed that I can't do a single thing that might aid me in dark areas. After discovering the Abyss, I was totally excited to go off and explore it... until I realized that it's practically pitch black in there and that I couldn't get anywhere by any means. I think that spirit form has something to do with it, 'cause I haven't found it at all yet. Or maybe I'm MEANT to explore the whole place like this? I'm drawing a blank.

Heck, dark areas IN GENERAL are a nuiscance. I recently found sun temple, and to my dismay, I had to cross a completely black area. Without any light, I couldn't cross and explore any more of this already amazing place.

Thank you.

Gameplay / Squid fight help
« on: March 22, 2008, 02:17:25 pm »
Hi! I recently bought Aquaria and was truly amazed at how well this game was made. However, after defeating the "god of he Krollies" and escaping, I began to explore the only possible path I could find, which led me to a giant squid thing boss. I've been trying to attack him in Najia's dark form, but it didn't work. I then got the idea to maybe use the bind song on him, but it didn't work, either. Is this guy just really hard to beat, or is there a way to beat im which I DIDN'T use?

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