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Messages - singrum

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: How To Beat Simon Says
« on: September 04, 2010, 01:48:56 am »
ahh, that explains a lot... like when the sequence got to 7 or 8, I would fail at 2 or 3.

Gameplay / Re: How To Beat Simon Says
« on: September 03, 2010, 11:10:39 pm »
I can NOT beat this thing... No matter how fast (and correct) I go, it seems to time out! Very frustrating and embarrassing how many times I've tried.

How long is the final sequence? I've gotten to 7 or 8 (I think), but sometimes, it won't let me get past 2 or 3 no matter how fast I go.

Gameplay / sea horse race- do I have to???
« on: June 10, 2010, 03:35:49 am »
Is this another one of those interesting, yet possibly pointless games? I'm not too into games that demand  (somewhat, but not TOOOO much) exacting mouse skills - or perhaps I just need a new mouse.
At any rate, I figured out that I needed to run the race, I tried things (and then tried things I found here)- what's the point?

Gameplay / Re: Where's the Simon Says boss?
« on: June 10, 2010, 03:30:21 am »
OK- I cannot beat this guy. I guess I need to buy a new mouse. I memorize it just fine, but my mouse (and mind) just can't do it fast enough- if was only keys... instead of the stinking mouse.

Gameplay / Re: Can't find Li (spoilers)!
« on: June 05, 2010, 06:13:50 am »
Li suddenly showed up (17th times a charm I guess) right outside of his cave. I finally learned how to cook 3 items. cool... we swam around for a while and ran into a new boss (next to the swamp frogs) killed me... glad I saved in Li's cave.

Gameplay / Re: Can't find Li (spoilers)!
« on: June 05, 2010, 03:48:06 am »
Judging from what I've read in this forum - I've got a lot more to see, but... I've got (and I realize I don't have the correct names) beast, stone, fish, sun, spirit forms. I've seen Li's sub and his cave. I feel like I've seen everything (although I'm sure I'm wrong)- I haven't seen a whale, or a lot of the other bosses that I've read about. And, yes, I've read that you can't have any armor on if you want to attract Li.

Another thing - people speak of pets... I once had something stuck to my face (a small tadpole thingy) (in  the city of Mathidas), and seahorses were mildly interesting to ride (for a minute or two)... but I feel like I'm missing something.

Gameplay / Can't find Li (spoilers)!
« on: June 05, 2010, 12:56:28 am »
I understand that need to be without my armor, and I've spent hours swimming around looking (in the Veil).  I feel like I've been everywhere... any help?

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