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General / Re: I have found a word describing Aquaria's ending
« on: April 01, 2008, 08:14:51 pm »
Ultimately if Derek and I can't make the games we want, then we might as well get regular industry jobs - so I think I'm going to stick to what I think works.

*thumbs up*  ;)

General / Re: I have found a word describing Aquaria's ending
« on: March 29, 2008, 08:43:35 pm »
I think in retrospect, yeah, it seems like a mistake to engage too much with it. I think I've probably put way too much value on what other people think and not enough on what I've actually been working on.

I wish more people would listen to their fans and I think you and Derek are awesome for communicating with your fans/customers. So many companies choose not to and they appear harsh and careless to me.
But you do put too much value on what others say in my opinion. :) Just keep in mind that you can't please everyone and that lots of people talk complete nonsense anyway. :)
Also keep in mind that satisfied customers are usually the silent ones. :)
You did an incredible job. End of story. ^-^

General / Re: I have found a word describing Aquaria's ending
« on: March 29, 2008, 02:42:33 pm »
Hi Alec,

It seems the topic starter kind of gets to you, and I don't really understand it.
Whatever someone does, whatever someone creates, there will always be people around with criticism. One can either decide to learn from this criticism or decide that the criticiser (sp?) is talking bullocks.
You can never ever ever please everyone. Never. Ever.

I think you and Derek made an awesome game. This game has entertained me like no other game could in the past years, titles with huge companies behind them.
There were some small things that I'd liked to have seen changed, but, really, every other game in the universe has something that I like to see changed. But changing something would, like you said, make others less happy, so my advice is, leave the game as it is.

- The story and ending leaves room to think about and that's really a good thing. (The Witcher had this too.) People need to learn to think about stuff themselves instead of having others spell everything out for them.
- Your music is brilliant. So one site claims something else, who cares. The tracks are perfect and go hand in hand with the game-setting.
- The cooking thing is nice. I can't understand how people dislike this and want to have it simpler.
- The exploring bit; people do not know where to go. I didn't either and I loved it. It adds to the overal time it takes to play the game and it adds more magic to the whole. People who dislike exploring and want to have everything spelled out for them should really play some EA games or whatever.

Anyway, I can go on about this forever but am already losing the moral of my rant.
What I am trying to say is that you and Derek made an awesome game and you should ignore criticism if you think it's unfair, since people will always criticise others anyway (Human nature?), no matter how good a game is.

Modding / Re: Aquaria - New Campaign
« on: March 24, 2008, 03:15:29 pm »
Hi, you did a fine job on the details. I haven't got much else to add, except that I can't wait 'til you fill up the map. :) Keep it up!

Gameplay / Re: Li clashing with Simon Says?
« on: March 21, 2008, 01:58:02 pm »
Hmm yeah, might be good to block it while you're singing then.

Or make it optional? I actually keep a savegame where Li's been taken prisoner in the body because he interferes with my movement due to those hugs. It would kind of been nice to be able to keep Li at home at all times. :)

Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: March 18, 2008, 06:06:20 pm »
Stop worrying about your english, people.  ^-^And hiya!

Modding / Re: Aquaria - New Campaign
« on: March 18, 2008, 05:56:10 pm »
Bring it on! ^-^

Gameplay / Re: Stuck, unable to pass over darkness or hot water
« on: March 06, 2008, 09:17:11 pm »
Disgusting pun Xiagan. =[

As far as I know 'Bowels' means either intestines,  gut etc. or means the center of the Earth or deep into the earth, so what he said doesn't have to be gross. ;)


Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: March 05, 2008, 06:06:26 pm »
Bah, if it's comprehensible then it should be good enough for all! Not everyone is born as an english novel writer. :)

(Sidenote: What are these smilies about? They look like car batteries?)

Modding / Re: Casual Aquaria
« on: March 04, 2008, 06:19:35 pm »
Nice job so far! I was hoping someone would start working on maps. There can't be enough to explore in Aquaria. *thumbs up*

Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: March 04, 2008, 06:17:09 pm »
Hi there! I'm *scrambled* and am an official Bit-Blot supporter since saturday.
I am impressed by Aquaria and its sheer addictiveness and will be awaiting its sequel shortly. (Get cranking, guys! >:D)

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