« on: March 31, 2008, 04:49:56 pm »
I too am having trouble creating my first map. I created a folder mymod in _mods. Then inside it, I created a maps folder with a simple xml file (without any png info, just the water level and gradients as by Derek's simple tutorial). Then also inside the mymod folder I created a maptemplates folder and inside a .png 512x512 image created in paint (white background and a few black lines for the walls). Gave it the same name as the xml file in the maps folder. When I open the editor it would not go into the map. Then I added a lua script to load the map file. Now I can do Tab and enter the edit mode, but when I press F11 to load the picture map onto the xml in the maps folder nothing happens. Do I need another lua script to load the image data into the xml in the maps folder?