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Messages - deb

Pages: [1]
Modding / Re: Creatures List
« on: April 14, 2008, 03:40:32 pm »
Thanks. Regarding the pets idea, yes it makes sense to do it the way you suggest (just have more than one creature follow you around, with some way of dropping the creature other than through the pet menu). I will try it. And yes I would love to learn to override the default behavior by changing the scripts


Modding / Re: Creatures List
« on: April 11, 2008, 03:41:48 pm »
I noticed that many or most of the entities that we can add have their game default behavior. For example the little nautilus things will attack Naija in a yo-yo way. Is there any way of overriding this? (So that they can behave differently). I know we can add extra behavior but I would like to be able to override the default behavior. Also is it possible to attach more than one pet to Naija?



Modding / Re: map editor (stupid question)
« on: March 31, 2008, 04:49:56 pm »
I too am having trouble creating my first map. I created a folder mymod in _mods. Then inside it, I created a maps folder with a simple xml file (without any png info, just the water level and gradients as by Derek's simple tutorial). Then also inside the mymod folder I created a maptemplates folder and inside a .png 512x512 image created in paint (white background and a few black lines for the walls). Gave it the same name as the xml file in the maps folder. When I open the editor it would not go into the map. Then I added a lua script to load the map file. Now I can do Tab and enter the edit mode, but when I press F11 to load the picture map onto the xml in the maps folder nothing happens. Do I need another lua script to load the image data into the xml in the maps folder?



Gameplay / Re: guiding boy out of darkness in sunken city
« on: March 10, 2008, 11:33:26 pm »
Ah  :)



Gameplay / guiding boy out of darkness in sunken city
« on: March 10, 2008, 11:06:55 pm »
I have searched this but couldnt find a close hint: How do I move the boy out of the darkness to the tree? I imagine I have to play a song but which one?



Modding / Re: Modding Guide
« on: March 03, 2008, 04:03:25 pm »
Thanks Alec. I assume this means that the level editor that comes with the game has the Lua interpreter then?


Modding / Re: Modding Guide
« on: March 03, 2008, 03:23:05 pm »
I am a newbie at modding and Lua although I have programming experience. I would like to writeLua scripts for Aquaria modding. How do I go about it? I mean do I need to donwload just the simple Lua library for Windows or do I need to have some C/C++ compiler? In other words what kind of tools do I need to write scripts in Lua and produce aquaria mods? Any pointers would be appreciated


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