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Messages - Ender Skywalker

Pages: [1]
Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: October 07, 2018, 01:24:36 am »
There was an Aquaria Discord? What happened to it?

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: June 12, 2018, 09:21:31 pm »
My idea for combining the vanilla and sequel maps was more just a side-thing than something for the sequel itself. If there's one thing I love, it's combining or otherwise compiling parts of different entries in a series together. For example, one of my projects is a map Hyrule and its neighboring kingdoms from the Legend of Zelda series that, while based primarily on Breath of the Wild and Adventure of Link, incorporates elements from plenty of the games. So combining Aquaria's original and sequel maps is more of a just for fun thing. It would be hard to make work plot-wise the way I envisioned (Aquaria Expanded as opposed to Aquaria 2) due to the time gap between the two games.

That said, I could see the original areas being implemented in a way akin to Pokemon Gold and Silver, where after beating the main game, you get to visit the first game's areas as a little bonus. I think it'd be nice if the first game's areas were all there, even if they don't serve a role in the story, but they're not necessary.

quick rundown: the 6 energy temple maps, 3 veil maps, mithalas + cathedral, top 2 open waters maps, the starting area things, Li's cave, one forest map

What forest map?

"Cold waters" sounds indeed interesting.

What about Warm Waters? Your open area is in the right place (near the Energy Temple, which if it weren't for being underwater would totally be the Fire Temple), and still doesn't have a name. Adding some "warm" elements would give the place more identity, but then again, if you're not gonna revisit old areas, and this is the new Open Waters, maybe that's not a good thing. Even then, though, a sequel shouldn't be a retread, so there's no harm in a slightly different atmosphere. The biggest issue would be figuring out what exactly the "warm" elements would be. The Veil and the area directly below it are already tropical, so you can't exactly do that. Maybe hydrothermal vents? As shown on my map, I was thinking of putting a volcano above Warm Waters as the logical extension of the "warm" aspect, and hydrothermal vents would tie in nicely to this. A warmer color palette would make sense. I tried doing a mockup with warmer colored rocks, but it just ended up as an ugly brown. Maybe changing the background gradient would be a better idea.

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: June 10, 2018, 02:40:42 am »
Aww. I was gonna try hook it up to the native mod to have the whole map with Sequel Mod areas. But I respect your decision.


Btw, here's a little something I cobbled together featuring ideas for potential new areas and where they'd go. I actually moved Warm Waters slightly upwards to match your unnamed open area. Cold Waters is an idea that came from wanting to fill the gap in the path from the Abbyss to the Ice Cave. Come to think of it, Cold Waters would probably work best between the Ice Cave and the Frozen Veil. Let me know if you guys like any of my ideas. I don't know how to code, but I could try my hand at graphics if you need help.

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: May 23, 2018, 06:20:30 pm »
How do you access this mod in the editor?

Modding / Re: Alec stopped hosting mods (Please help)
« on: April 12, 2018, 05:49:20 am »
I'm glad you've been archiving mods and fanart. With this small fandom, you never know when something might  disappear. There have been two wikis for the game and they're both gone. Anyway, any chance you might contact one of the creators of Magic of Aquaria to see if they'd be okay with you releasing what you have?

Support / Re: Unofficial update packs! [OSEv1.002][16th August 2015]
« on: April 10, 2018, 03:46:18 am »
How do I open/extract .aqmod files? I'd like to make sure Li always has his sequel mod haircut.

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: April 10, 2018, 03:28:13 am »
I'm stuck at the Energy Temple. Every path is blocked except one that's too dark to navigate. I'm guessing I'm supposed to find something to light it up with, but what?, and where? Of all the pets to leave to care for Lucien, Li picked the one that could actually be useful right now!

I'd be interested. Though I don't have any ideas atm, I'm sure I could give it a try.

But by now I assume this project is totally dead, isn't it?

Off-Topic / Re: Hello there!
« on: March 24, 2018, 05:32:14 am »
Hi. I'm new too.

Modding / Re: Native - mod
« on: March 24, 2018, 05:30:53 am »
Attempting to load certain areas crashes the game. The error message is "Flag 0 not allowed." I haven't tested every single area in the game, but I know it happens with Home Waters and Open Waters 1.

Btw, any clue why Naija's home is called Vedha Cave?

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