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Messages - Cascade

Pages: [1]
Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: August 28, 2018, 11:09:37 pm »
Before i abandoned the Aquaria discord, i'd discussed with False the possibility of including Cascadia waters, and not just because of my love for the area in the real world, i feel it would open lots of creative opportunities to include sea life from that region. Since the Frozen veil is pretty much right next to the veil, in terms of lateral distance, we can take some creative liberties on the whereabouts of the Area. Some of my brainstorm ideas involved a Salmon boss, Prawns, and Seals. as for area design, there could be mountain scenery, and gameplay wise freshwater streams and rivers could give host to some interesting new mechanics involving rushing currents. Figuring any ideas are good, i'd love to get some feedback on what you all think about this.  ;D

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: May 12, 2018, 01:53:08 am »
Yeah, i did, i apologize for not telling you, i'll stop by the IRC sometime!

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: April 14, 2018, 10:48:59 pm »
That took me a while to figure out too! You're supposed to use Li's blaster to shoot down one of the glowing fruits in the Erulean's Abode
Also, glad to see this is still active!!

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: December 10, 2017, 10:43:05 pm »
Both Derek and Alec commented on Aquaria's tenth anniversary, Alec even said something that made me.. For a lack of words very VERY happy

"What I’m working on now is a spiritual successor to Aquaria in some ways. It’ll be interesting to see how it evolves."

Tweeted, two days ago. Stay a legend, Alec.

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: December 10, 2017, 01:42:31 am »
Something just popped into my mind today, nearly out of nowhere, and that thought was
"Wait.. Discord exists."
So i'm creating a fan discord for Aquaria, for all your Aquaria discussion needs. Want to talk about the sequel mod? Aquaria's fan discord server's got you covered, all for the low low price of one Naija-trapped-in-an-inescapable-crystal!


I hope to at least get a couple of people interested  :> See you there!

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: September 20, 2017, 12:18:04 am »
Time for the monthly doctor's appointment for this thread. (Just keeping this active can be a challenge sometimes) I hope things are working well. I don't know what else to put besides this so i'll leave it at that!

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: August 09, 2017, 11:08:41 pm »
If naija is ever going to interact with li in this game, which, of course i don't know yet. I always thought it would be funny in the original game if putting on the.. *cough* Boulder carrier aka bikini Would boost Li's fire rate, and his damage per shot. It just felt like they left out an opportunity there  :P

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: August 06, 2017, 10:58:55 pm »
I never exactly liked the vanilla pets either, they were usually just for a bit of extra help, like you said. And weren't very rewarding. I feel like if you gave the pets a buff, new abilites, and ways for them to be useful for more things such as, locating verse eggs and other collectibles. They could be alright, but again. Whatever goes in is your choice entirely. Something else might be being able to tame other certain sea creatures, such as the creature located outside the entrance to mithalas, to be used as a gameplay version of fast transportation, but these are merely suggestions, and whatever i say hasn't been completely thought out, just looking for ways to participate in this :D

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: July 23, 2017, 11:45:13 pm »
Hi! So, now that i reread the Arnassi comment, i realize it would be a tight fit being as you've created a map full of content i'd imagine. Maybe there would be plans for them in later chapters.
But for right now, there's one more question i have. And that is, if there are going to be custom pets? You may've mentioned this sometime in the thread thus far, or i just passed over it.
I feel it would be a good addition to the story, and a big room for creativity! Such as a crab pet, that when equipped throws rocks that hit nearby enemies. That would be one of my suggestions. I understand coding is difficult, so is creating custom textures. But i feel like it would be a nice edition to both gameplay and story!

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: July 08, 2017, 11:16:52 am »
Heyo! Me again, it was me who commented on his video, i made a bit blot forums accounts for the sole reason of following and interacting with the people in this thread during the mod's development! I'm glad things are getting started back up, and i'm extremely excited to play the next chapter when it's released!
I played through the first chapter at least five times, and it never ceases to impress me what you did with your tools!
You're awesome, can't wait for more. But quality > quantity, so i guess i can wait. :P

Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: March 22, 2017, 12:40:06 am »
Sheesh dude, I'm entirely sure that this mod will be our salvation

A single question that's burning me however, is if the Arnassi are going to make a comeback, and not be as useless as they were in Aquaria?
I'd love to see them get proper characters and a story of their own, however if you choose to leave them out, that's entirely up to you, People are still watching, cheering you on!     :D

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