Where exactly IS that light source I need?
Try to find in the new location of Erulians. It's there. In some corner

but I resented having to swim back and forth across Home Waters again and again, going from Home to the Song Cave to the Energy Temple, only to go back because I didn't go in the correct entrance...
I've done it in the original game several times. Hated that endless space around. But then I totally forgot about it, because then I had fish form, which is very fast and useful in case you need to cross some big distance fast. I'm pretty sure that it won't be a problem when we'll get all the forms.
I keep seeing song bulbs that stare me in the face, quivering and waiting for me to sing the right note to get to their sweet treats inside.
We will go back to them later, as it was mentioned. But we will back there with Naija and her singing

We have to wait until then. But, yeah, my greed was screaming about the injustice of the whole world in such a moments.