« on: November 10, 2015, 11:11:38 pm »
Hey there! After wrestling with the site for a couple days, I finally got a conformation email so I could verify my account and sign in to tell you that I love your mod so far! It feels like it could actually be Aquaria 2. I know some people don't like some of the mechanics but you really can't ever satisfy everyone. I think you should keep making your mod the way you want it to be.
I'm loving the detail put into the different environments from the screenshots you have shared. I also like the idea of energy form becoming stronger the more you use it but also becoming corrupt from it. That was something I was thought they were going to do in the original game. Remember how after you get energy form she talks about enjoying the destruction and even gives off an evil laugh sometimes when shooting stuff? I'd really like to see something like a dark side/light side meter that fills up based on decisions you make throughout the game.
I certainly hope to see more from you!