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Messages - lucidfox

Pages: [1]
Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: September 06, 2015, 10:22:09 am »
Long time lurker, first time poster. :)

Have you tried point & click games instead?

I'm sorry, but this kind of attitude isn't really conductive to dialogue with players.

I mostly play games for the story and atmosphere, and prefer it when the gameplay is not too hard but also not so easy it's boring.

I played the original Aquaria for the story and atmosphere as well, and I found its difficulty too frustrating to properly enjoy it. Edited the game files to make Naija invulnerable. After that it was a more pleasant experience. To each their own. :)

Multiple difficulty levels sound good. In fact, that's something that I wish was implemented in the original game.

As for the mod itself, I've only watched the intro cutscene so far, but I'm impressed with the graphics and, so far, the apparent faithfulness to the original story. I've been waiting to see the story continue ever since I found that the original Aquaria ended with a cliffhanger, and so I've been following the development of this mod with curiosity. I'll post more thoughts once I finish the actual chapter!

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