Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: August 21, 2015, 04:11:11 am »
Found an issue when I ran into the Krotite. after they murdered LI it restarted and dropped me to meager frames per second. As I will momentarily point out this became the straw that broke the camel's back for me personally.
The bug may not be consistent; not sure why it happened.
Overall review up to that point: Its been a number of years for me since i've finished the core game;
1. seems like you were trying to create a sort of hyper expert mode specifically for people that try to push themselves to gaming ridiculousness. This makes it rather difficult for anyone jumping back in who identifies as a casual gamer. While I guess its good for you that you can hardcore the daylights out of the original game don't develop a mod that way: You will quickly loose people's interest. I have a headache just from getting as far as I did. That's not why I played Aquaria in the first place. No matter how compelling your storyline is, (which in my opinion and reading over this thread its personally not compelling at all), I should be able to remain cognitive during gameplay without needing aspirin to continue.
2. The weight system IS the worst aspect of the mod, because now instead of being able to flip through pages and to easily have what you need you spend time wasting materials to adjust. It limits you combatively even depending on what you are carrying with you. I GET that even under water weight would affect you but look at how Aquaria's core mechanics worked, this would ruin the game severely. I barely ever have more than two pages of materials in your mod. There was an eventual limit, if I recall, in the core game but that didn't happen for a while and you could after getting the third slot just make them into other recipes until you could pick up whatever you were after. After trying to deal with this system I highly disapprove of the mechanic.
3: Adding late game enemies to early game areas: The Dev's didn't do so for a reason.
Without further improvements, i'm probably removing the mod.
The bug may not be consistent; not sure why it happened.
Overall review up to that point: Its been a number of years for me since i've finished the core game;
1. seems like you were trying to create a sort of hyper expert mode specifically for people that try to push themselves to gaming ridiculousness. This makes it rather difficult for anyone jumping back in who identifies as a casual gamer. While I guess its good for you that you can hardcore the daylights out of the original game don't develop a mod that way: You will quickly loose people's interest. I have a headache just from getting as far as I did. That's not why I played Aquaria in the first place. No matter how compelling your storyline is, (which in my opinion and reading over this thread its personally not compelling at all), I should be able to remain cognitive during gameplay without needing aspirin to continue.
2. The weight system IS the worst aspect of the mod, because now instead of being able to flip through pages and to easily have what you need you spend time wasting materials to adjust. It limits you combatively even depending on what you are carrying with you. I GET that even under water weight would affect you but look at how Aquaria's core mechanics worked, this would ruin the game severely. I barely ever have more than two pages of materials in your mod. There was an eventual limit, if I recall, in the core game but that didn't happen for a while and you could after getting the third slot just make them into other recipes until you could pick up whatever you were after. After trying to deal with this system I highly disapprove of the mechanic.
3: Adding late game enemies to early game areas: The Dev's didn't do so for a reason.
Without further improvements, i'm probably removing the mod.