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Messages - ZorbaTHut

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Unsure where to go next (six forms, mid-to-late-game I think)
« on: February 26, 2008, 12:46:46 pm »
Again, trying to avoid spoilers in general :)

I recently picked up the Spirit Form - in fact, I have six forms, which form a circle missing the bottom-left one. (I forget, offhand, which the forms I have are, but hopefully this'll be enough.) I haven't found anything to use the Spirit Form on besides a treasure or two. I've trolled around the Abyss, killed a giant jellyfish, and found a locked door with strange symbols which I think I recognize as being the symbols around where I found Li, but I can't get him to interact with the door in any way. There's also a pit with a giant impassible tentacle coming out of it. Haven't figured out how to get past that either.

Suggestions? I'm out of ideas on where to go (in fact, I was stuck before I found the Spirit Form, finally located the Spirit Form, and still can't figure out what to do next.)

Want to avoid serious spoilers, just want a suggestion or two on where I should be looking. Thanks again.

Edit: Aha! Nevermind, I found an area in the Abyss that I'd somehow completely missed. Closing my own thread :D

Ah, I thought the form progression was reasonably linear just due to how I seem to be only able to enter one new area per ability. Perhaps I'm just not exploring quite enough :) Anyway, thanks for the answers. I'll go dump him in a cave.

 >:( Li  >:(


I just got Li.

He's completely destroying the atmosphere of the game for me. Seriously. Swimming through an ocean full of wildlife? Awesome. Swimming through an ocean full of wildlife with some guy following me? Far less awesome.

He provides a bit of firepower. Does he do anything else? Do I need him? I really just want to leave him in his cave and move on, but since I don't know what he does, I'm a bit worried that I'll end up stuck in this next area if I don't have him along - and I might not even realize I need him because I don't know what he does.

Help? Please just say "yes you can ditch him" or "no he's required", I really don't want spoilers :)

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