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Messages - Ax

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: How to Download the Latest Version: 1.1.1
« on: January 05, 2009, 04:02:49 am »
Man, I just find this whole situation really frustrating.  I emailed Alec back when the update went live, but never received a reply.  I understand how busy he is, and don't really hold it against anyone (although after reading this thread I have to admit that Plimus has quickly fallen onto my list of least fav entities).  In any case, I can't wait to get my link so I can play this awesome game a second time.  Here's to hoping I make it all the way through this time. ;D

Gameplay / Re: Minigame (spoilers, I guess)
« on: February 24, 2008, 12:52:09 am »
What's the point of posting just to tell us that we're wrong to not like it?  Great, you got it.  We didn't.  I've tried about thirty or forty times now and still don't have it.

I do appreciate the advice (the whole reason I looked up this thread) from people like Eric, but the attitude is just rude and not very nice (sorry if that's too emo for you...you just pushed my buttons--probably doesn't help that I've spent over an hour trying to do this freaking thing).

Anyway, enough of my whining.  Thanks for the help.  I'm going to go try again.

General / Re: Aquaria and Game of the Year lists and Reviews
« on: February 23, 2008, 08:51:08 pm »
Good grief, that sounded like such a positive review but they gave it such a craptastic score.  7.5 for graphics?  An insult I say!  Aquaria deserves at least an 8.5 and that's reviewing conservatively.

Well, if you truly feel that way why not write a reader review?  Sites like IGN and Gamespot have become increasingly more about reader generated content.  Even if you don't want to write a review, you can still rank the game.  Currently with only five ratings (one of which is mine--I gave it a 9/10) the game has a reader average of 7.7.  If only a handful of other people login and rate it what it really deserves that score will go up.  Every vote counts, so get out there and make it happen. ;-)

Just my two cents.

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