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Messages - Scoobajaze

Pages: [1]
General / Re: development status
« on: August 17, 2007, 03:49:49 pm »
***zamzx looks at Alec and says "Since you're sleeping right now, the community can take care of this" ***

First off, where does it say that it was released in july? The only time he mentions  a release date in the blog is a tentitve _possible_ release date. The other threads about mods ------------ (started by yours truely) ----------

Please correct me if I'm wrong but, do you wanted to say that i started these threads? My English isn't very good so it is possible that I've missunderstood you... I was just wondering why there are so many confusing threas here. Some of them have even screenshots of the installation so I was/am really confused about the status of development...


The last edit: Thanx KingAl ;-)

General / Re: development status
« on: August 17, 2007, 02:18:36 pm »
Hi there,

is there anything going on with the development? I can often see threads about mods, controllers and much other stuff to talk about after releasing a game. Have I missed something??? I don't see the point in discussing things like the available platforms, possibility of mods or other things that belong to finished games...
So when is it going to be released? Or better: Is it ever going to be released?? You could at least put away that really annoying message on your website that says:
RELEASED IN SPRING 2007... I think this is kinda ridiculous to have that there since 3 months without even releasing a demo

General / Re: development status
« on: May 24, 2007, 01:37:20 pm »
Hi there,

first thanx for your replies to my questions :)
seems to be much fun to work on a computergame. I wish you much success for Aquaria and all other projects you might be working on.
Scoobajaze O0

General / development status
« on: May 23, 2007, 03:32:55 pm »
Hi there,

I've heard about Aquaria two day ago or so and I'm totally happy to see that 2D isn't dead already. I've read some topics here and the FAQ but nobody seems to know when Aquaria will be released or better how many % of development are finished. The only thing I've read was Spring 2007...
I don't want to be unpatient but PLEASE FINISH IT! :D How long it takes isn't important but there is so much potential in this game that it would be too sad to never see it. Do you have a hint when it'll be finished?
Sorry for bad english I'm still learning ^-^

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