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Messages - tenb

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Help me, please
« on: March 22, 2008, 06:44:45 pm »
Hm, it's  a pity.
Thank's! I was even going to try to eat them %)

Gameplay / Re: Help me, please
« on: March 22, 2008, 02:38:59 pm »
Funny glowing creature?  You mean those bubbles-things?  If you look around close enough you'll find a treasure amidst the plants....is that what you mean?  If so it just adds some decor to your home cave.
No, I mean this": http://www.ljplus.ru/img4/t/e/tenb/creature-1.JPG
(in King's grave) and this:
(in Arnassi Ruins).
They appears from flowers, like leafs, cakes etc. I don't know what to do whith it?

Gameplay / Re: Help me, please
« on: March 19, 2008, 11:49:37 am »
Thank you very much! :)
But could you please help me with one another thing - in the King's grave and in the Arnassi Ruins there are flowers, which produce small creatures: in Arnassi ruins it's the small seahorse, in King's grave - funny glowing creature. They don't added to Nahja's peg list. When she sings - nothing happens. Li could kill them. Do you know, what should I do with them? I didn't find anything about this. :(

Gameplay / Re: Help me, please
« on: February 18, 2008, 02:53:45 pm »
You can open barriers if you collect a pearl, put it in the mouth of the statues with the pearl-sized round mouth and shoot it with a charged shot.
Hmm, it seems strange, but in the temple were not any statues without pearls. There was one, near Naijah's home, but when I put pearl into its mouth nothing happened. Here is my steps: got into Temple, killed Idol, learnt song of energy form, got into vertical tunnel -> there was two idol with pearls in their mouths, and two closed "doors", and i can't do nothing with them. Should I try to shoot this statues, or maybe something wrong with version of my game? It's  for the first time in my life - I never felt so stupid - as a rule, reading FAQs allways helped me...
Thank you for your answer.

Gameplay / Help me, please
« on: February 18, 2008, 12:05:13 pm »
Hi. I feel stupid, but I must admit, that I stuck, almost at the beginning of the game. :( I learned song, that make stones move, and now I'm swiming near Najah's home. I swam to the Energy Temple, killed Energy idol, but I can't get anywhere out from this temple - everything is closed. Maybe I missed and hadn't done something before? Please, help me.

Pages: [1]